Unconditional Love Chapter 15

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*i just want to apologize in advance this is a short chapter*
- continues from last chapter

Seth POV

I followed Brandon inside. He needs to get a piece of a mind I watched him flirt with Dean all day and I'm sick of it. Thinking I wouldn't know what he was doing.

"You know I see what you're doing ." I said with an attitude

"... and what is that?" Brandon said

"Ignoring me and getting Dean alone."

"I'm not ignoring you Seth and Dean and I are just friends there's nothing going between us."

"To hell you are you haven't said a word to me since you got here. You've been all on Dean since the moment you got here. So stop being so childish."

"Me? Childish you're fucking kidding right. I'm not the one who waste thousands of dollars to quit school and now realizes he has to go back" Brandon said raising his voice and laughing.
"You can't be by yourself. Mom and dad are even moving closer to cause you need backup."

When Brandon began saying all that everyone outside walked in.

"Is that true mom?" I asked in pain my parents don't trust me. But Brandon was right I'm still a child I wasted thousands just to drop out. I can't be alone the second Brandon and Dean got together I went and found Randy.

My mom nodded to the question. That's when all the blood in me began to boil.

"I DON'T NEED A BABYSITTER." I yelled to everyone. That's when I watched Dean put down Leo and walked towards me. He put his hands on my waist and whisperers

"Calm down."  That's when I lost it.

"IM NOT GONNA CALM DOWN." I said angrily

"Okay okay baby lets go upstairs." Dean said pulling me to the staircase so I didn't have much a choice. I looked back at my blood family one last time before going inside my room.

Once Dean closed the door we ended up in bed sitting up against the headboard I started ranting to him about everything. He was listening and playing with my hair.

"I don't deserves all this I'm perfectly fine." I said after I was done with ranting.

"Yeah baby but don't you think it's good for them to help with the Leo while you're busy doing school work." Dean said

"Wait you know I wanna go back? And you're okay with that." I said surprised and Dean nodded

"Yeah I noticed and before I wasn't so sure but I'm fine with it. It's what you want to do so do it baby. When you got pregnant with Leo going to school is hard but things are different now and I will support you no what way you do it." Dean said smiling I was in shock I didn't.. I couldn't say anything. Instead I put my arm around him and hugged him tighter.

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