Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ryder walks out on to the stage and takes his seat on the other side of the wall from the bachelorettes. Ryder and the three bachelorettes remain separated by the wall. 

TREVOR: Ryder, Welcome to the show! I bet you haven’t had any time to date, while you were fighting the war.

 RYDER: I am afraid not. It was all work and no play. I am just lucky to be alive, and happy to be back.

CHARLIESE: Let’s welcome you back in style. We have three gorgeous ladies on the other side of the wall. Get to know them. At the end of the show, you get to choose one lady for your date, and all the expenses paid by us. So, loosen up and have fun.

RYDER: That’s what I am here for, Charliese.

TREVOR: I know you are a little rusty in the dating scene, so let’s begin by having each bachelorettes say “Hello” to you. We begin with Bachelorette #1.

CLOE: Hello, I am Cloe. "Ryder" - is that with  an “I” or “Y”?

RYDER: Hi Cloe. What a lovely name. A very good question. It depends on what time it is. Right now, it’s “Y”.

CHARLIESE: We continue on with, Bachelorette #2.

LACEY:  Mr. Perseus, I am Ms. Lacey. It’s my pleasure to make your acquaintance.

RYDER: Hello Ms. Lacey. So formal. But, just Perseus would be fine.

TREVOR: And last but not least, Bachelorette #3.

ATRIA:  Hey, big boy. Let’s cut to the chase. Shall we? Snip. Snip. Snip... Atria here. I am the one.

RYDER: Wow, Atria. You sound so sexy!

CHARLIESE: Okay, Ryder. Now that you got to meet them. It’s time for you to go to work. So, fire away your questions, and get to know each of them better.

RYDER:  My pleasure, Charliese. Let’s start with Atria. Why do you think you are the one for me?

ATRIA:  Is there any doubt? Only if you could see me. That is all it takes to know that I am the one. I am every man’s desire...

RYDER:  Ooh! Sounds like you are too hot to handle... Now, Ms. Lacey, the same question.

LACEY: Well, I think I can provide you with order and assist you to live in style that you deserve. I will handle and weave everything in between for you.

RYDER: That sounds nice and easy, Ms. Lacey... How about you, Cloe? Why should I choose you?

CLOE: Ryder, I think we should first get to know each other, before we can decide whether we belong.

RYDER: Very well put, Cloe. I guess, we have just met.  Alright then, let’s get to know each other. Tell me three things that I should know about you.

CLOE: I believe in fate. I love to write the future. And, the last thing? I will save it for you. You tell me one thing about me, when you get to know me better.

RYDER:  Wow! I guess I am at your mercy... You got it totally under control, Cloe.  I like that. Okay, let’s move onto Atria. What do you do for living?

ATRIA: I do whatever it takes to live.

RYDER: Always so sharp and cutting... I meant, the intro said that you work as a heartbreaker at a bar?

ATRIA: It’s not so much what I do, it is who I am.

RYDER: Who are you, Atria?

ATRIA: People call me “Dark Rose”.

RYDER: “Dark Rose”, huh? Very alluring. Ms. Lacey, tell me what you see in Atria and Cloe sitting next to you.

LACEY: Perseus, I wish you would ask more about me. But, I will answer you. Cloe is rather plain. Atria is rather dark. I am the most prim and the fairest of them all.

RYDER: I am sure you are, Ms. Lacey... Now, Cloe, would you please describe Ms. Lacey and Atria for me?

CLOE: Ms. Lacey is lovely like a Barbie, but caged in like a white dove. Atria is sultry and powerful, with a hot fiery volcano brewing underneath the dark rose.

RYDER: Ooh. Very poetic and insightful. Sounds like you have a beautiful brilliant mind, Cloe. How about me? What do you see in me?

CLOE: Of course, I can’t see you. But, when you walked on to the stage, I felt something move inside me. I never felt it before. Like if we’ve known each other all our lives, and ever before and after.

RYDER: Oh! How strange. When I heard your voice, I felt exactly the same thing. Wow! Maybe it is fate that we were meant to be together. What do you think, Cloe?

LACEY: Hello?... Excuse me... The game show is not over yet. If I may chime in, Perseus, let me say that we should get married. If you don’t pick me... I am going to kill myself.

ATRIA: Lacey, Honey... Leave the killing to me, alright? 

TREVOR: Hold on right there, ladies. There will be no killing on this show. (Turning to Ryder) Ryder, looks like you got a hard decision to make. (Facing the audience) Ryder will reveal whom he chooses for his date, when we come back right after the commercial break. Please stay tuned.

The crew takes a short break and moves about hastily, while the commercials tape is rolling. Ryder sits quietly pondering. Each bachelorette sits in suspense.  Trevor is shooting the breeze with Charliese... The commercial ends. The cameraman signals – "Lights, Camera, Action!"

TREVOR: Well, we are back. Okay, Ryder, no more time for questions now. But, ladies, you each have one last thing to say, before Ryder makes up his mind. Let’s start with Bachelorette #1, Cloe.

CLOE: Ryder, I would follow you to the end of the earth, but we can never be.

CHARLIESE: Bachelorette #2, Lacey.

LACEY: I meant it, Perseus. You marry me or else...

TREVOR: Bachelorete #3, Atria.

ATRIA: I don’t need this crap. Just get it over with. I got far better things to do than to get grilled in this hot scorching spotlight. 

CHARLIESE: Okay, Ryder. The ladies made their last pleas. Now, it is your turn. Please tell us which bachelorette you’ve chosen. Drum roll, please...

(Sound of drum roll)

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