Chapter Two

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"The father is Logan," Rory said and looked first at Lorelai to see her reaction. Lorelai didn't say anything, but her face held a knowing look, as if what she had already known had been confirmed. She had been prepared for this. Lane, however, was not so calm.

"Logan?! As in Logan Huntzberger. You're seeing him again?"

"Yeah... I mean I haven't seen him since... well since I got pregnant I guess. But for a while yeah I was seeing him again. It's all a big mess, I mean he's engaged I don't know what to do."

At that moment, Rory spotted the one and only Emily Gilmore walking quickly towards them, full of purpose. Lorelai's gaze followed hers and she groaned as she noticed her mother. Knowing Emily, she would not take this pregnancy lightly, and somehow, it would be Lorelai's fault that it happened in the first place. She marched up to Lorelai and flatly said, "Lorelai I need to speak to you."

"Can it wait Mom?" Lorelai turned towards Emily, her arms folded.

Now please Lorelai," Emily turned and began walking away. Lorelai sighed and rolled her eyes at Rory. Here was Emily Gilmore at her wedding ceremony still treating her like a child who didn't know how to behave. She followed Emily to the side, however, with little to no complaint, her main goal to make this last the least amount of time possible.

"How could you not tell me?" Emily began.


"Don't do that. You know what I mean Lorelai. I'm her grandmother, I think I have a right to know if she's pregnant! And not find out by being congratulated for being a great-grandmother!" she yelled, staring at Lorelai, making this her fault, though she herself hadn't even known.

'Well maybe she didn't want you to know!" Lorelai shouted back, annoyed by her mother's incessant need to blame her for everything.

"Well it isn't me who raised my daughter to believe it was okay to get knocked up and not get married or even tell her own grandmother she's pregnant."

"Are you sure about that, Mom? Because I seem to remember getting 'knocked up' at sixteen and running away before you could force me to marry Christopher or was that my imagination?"

"I will not tolerate this, Lorelai. Who is the father anyway? Does Rory intend to tell him he's going to have a child or will we all be informed via small town gossip?"

"Gossip in this town spreads like wildfire and it isn't really my business to tell you, Mom. If you want to know that badly, you can ask Rory, who, frankly, is an adult and can make her own decisions, so I don't know why you're blaming me for this."

"Lorelai, honestly. I come here to see a nice wedding ceremony between my daughter and her husband and end up finding out my granddaughter is pregnant and I have no idea. How would you expect me to react?"

"Like a civilized human being, Mom."

"If you think what Rory did is acceptable, fine. I guess I'm not her mother. But I am your mother and I have to say, Lorelai, I'm not impressed by your attitude. If your father were here he —"

"Nope. I can't do this right now, Mom. Okay? So I'm gonna have to take a rain check. I'll fight with you some other time." Lorelai turned around and began walking away, despite Emily's protests and didn't stop walking until she couldn't hear her any longer. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and tried to put the conversation out of her mind.


After the wedding had ended and the guests had left, Lorelai sat under the gazebo, thinking as she watched decorations being taken down. Sookie snuck up behind and and sat down next to her.

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