Jack: Chafing

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GUYS I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING. I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE, A MONTH AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE FOR IT. So much has happened since I last came on (like Jack had a kid?!). One thing I'm going to say is that I will continue writing about Jack because I think that it's great to have a nice base and motivation for starting stories, being that they might be real life people. It isn't like I actually imagine the Why Don't We boys getting sick and injured left and right, they just inspire my mind to get creative and that makes me happy.

So about this work, it's dedicated to the class of 2019. I'm seeing a ton of writers that I follow being released from school, and yeah our seniors have graduated already, but because Taiwan sucks, I, as a sophomore, have to stay until 6/28. Gee, I want to be free too. Here are 1855 words. 

(Also, I didn't know what a 天橋 was called in English, so a skyway it is, I guess)




Jack turns his head at the sound of violent rain striking against the roof of the gymnasium, pitter-pattering over the sound coming out of his own mouth. Rain, rain, why now? This can not be good.

"Graduation ceremony rehearsals are complete. Seniors and emcees are dismissed. All other students must return to have regular class-" a series of groans are heard from everybody besides Jack, "-and the official graduation ceremony will start at six o'clock."

Setting his microphone down on the podium and picking up his water bottle from the ground, Jack takes a sip to clear his throat before looking at Zach, his partner in emceeing.

"Hey," he nudges the boy's shoulder, "I don't know if you still want to eat lunch with me and practice our lines together, it's pouring outside..."

Zach makes a contorted expression with his face and hesitantly stutters out, "... O-oh n-no... I don't think it's a good idea..." He trails off and averts his eyes to where juniors Daniel Seavey and Corbyn Besson are sitting.

This guy. Jack had expected no more from the boy who had a tendency to bail out on plans, cheat friends, and change his mind on a whim. He sighs and shakes his head, muttering a 'whatever' under his breath. He stares enviously at Zach who has managed to borrow off an umbrella from Daniel, promising to return it to him in the afternoon. Jack scoffs and rolls his eyes because if Zach were a responsible human being who actually kept his promises, they wouldn't need to be stealing umbrellas to navigate their way back home in a thunderstorm.

Shifting his gaze to Corbyn's sleek black backpack and the eye catching multicolored umbrella in the water bottle pocket, Jack is almost desperate enough to beg the older boy for it. Almost. Instead, he throws a little tantrum where he's standing, whining in disdain. Gosh, I'm so miserable.

Looking up from his fit, Jack gasps. The sky has cleared in the window, a lighter color shining through, but besides that, a pair of piercing blue eyes are staring into his own and he makes a beeline for the gymnasium exit. Guess I'm running home in the rain, then. Good job, Jack.

The minute Jack steps outside of the gates of school, he realizes a few things. One, a sunny sky does not mean less rain as rain droplets pelt against his skin, the moisture leaving his skin so tender and delicate that it's irritating. Two, rain on grey t-shirts make him look particularly like he has sweat stains. Three, Zach Herron is a ballsy and disrespectful dick. Yet what he cannot seem to fathom throughout his entire journey home is why the Corbyn Besson was looking at him earlier.

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