Daniel: Stomach Flu

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Daniel hurriedly makes his way into the classroom twenty minutes before the bell rings with a thick, hard-covered chemistry textbook hauled in one arm and a half-eaten loaf of bread in one hand. He quickly scans the room and his eyes light up as he spots Jonah, his best friend, dozing off while occupying two entire seats with his over-excessively long limbs. Pushing his way between the tight spaces of the tables scattered around the room, he promptly plants himself onto Jonah's legs in exasperation.

"JONAH! Where have you been the past two days? I missed you so, so, so much!" Jonah is shaken awake by the velociraptor-like screeching in his ear.

"Oomph! Gee Dani, am I not allowed to get sick or something?" Daniel nods his head vigorously beside Jonah.

"That is exactly right, Jo." Jonah just chuckles it off and and takes a glance at Daniel shoving his bread down his throat while flipping through the pages of his textbook frantically before averting his eyes back to his own textbook and thermos cup of chowder.

"Nice breakfast, Dani." Daniel looks up with his mouth full.

"D'you want sum? I'll give you a bit if you teach me how to calculate this question of boiling point elevation."

"No, Dani! How desperate are you?" Daniel huffs and rolls his eyes playfully.

"I'm not desperate."

"Are too! You know that you can just ask the science genius, Corbyn. He's sitting right next to you." Daniel's eyes widen and he throws his head back. Low and behold, Corbyn Besson is sitting in the seat adjacent to him and Jonah.

"Heck, naw. You of all people know that Corbyn and I can't stand each other."

"Yeah, I know, but I don't understand why." After receiving a death glare from Daniel, Jonah continues, "Okay, okay, calm down, I was joking. Tell you what, give me a spoon for me to eat my chowder with and I'll teach you the question."

"What? What happened to the utensil set I gave you for Christmas?" Daniel exclaims dramatically with a hand over his heart and a betrayed expression on his face.

"Do you want me to teach you the question or not?"

"Yes, yes please, you're the best, you are the saviour, Jojo I love you!" Daniel sings, reaching into his backpack's pocket for a spare spoon and conveniently unloads his belongings into his table. Jonah leans over to take the spoon from Daniel's hand and examine what page of the textbook he's looking at.

"Mmm mmm, warm chowder makes my tummy happy." Jonah rubs his stomach area in circles with a small smile on his face before asking Daniel, "So, what don't you understand about the question, Dani?"

"Why do you have to add 100 at the end of the equation?"

"Ah! The equation calculates for the change in boiling point of a substance. Assuming that the substance is dissolved in water, you add the amount you got to the boiling point of water, which is 100 degrees Celsius. That way, you can find the final boiling point of the entire solution." Daniel just sits and stares into space for a while to process the information.

"Wow, okay. I'm dumb."

"No you're not, Dani! It was a very good question. I'm sure you'll ace the test!"

"You're just saying that because you're the nicest person to exist on Earth, Jonah."

"I mean you're not wrong-"

The bell rings, cutting off what Jonah is about to say next and he fumbles with the spoon he's holding in his hand.

"Yo, Dani, I'm so sorry I didn't have time to wash it. I can maybe give it to you later-"

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