Candy, Daydreaming, and Regions

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A/N: If you took the title the wrong way, congratulations, my guess is you are a teenager who has read the weird shtuff. Also, you are completely incorrect, just read and find out.

A week passed after that. Training with Julien was disastrous. Thank God Ravenna was always there, jumping into the ring of doom as I like to call it, and saved me when I had a bajillion injuries saying that it was enough and that I needed to heal. I mean, sure that was always a little embarrassing, but at least I got to spend time with Ravenna in the dorm-like room for girls only which meant that a certain someone *cough* Julien *cough cough* couldn't barge in here and drag me to practice. Although he had once bribed Ravenna with some chocolate to bring me down. That has never happened again due to me *ahem* stealing all the chocolate and maybe getting an eensy bit of a sugar rush. Hehe...They hid the candies in a more secure place after that, and me and Ravenna never got to smell the sugary treats ever again after that. But mark my words, I WILL find them again and I WILL get a much crazier sugar rush and no one will ever, bring candy here again. ((I felt like adding a little bit of a candy rant. Sorry for going overboard. Hehehe...))

Aaaanyways, whenever I was with Ravenna, I tried to forget about the dagger, my father's dagger. Every time I thought about it, it made me want to go and kill Ravenna in front of her father, just as he made me watch him kill my parents and leave. Wat a second...I could never kill sweet, kind, raven-haired Ravenna, even if she was Julien's girlfriend (I know shocker right? I didn't find out 'till I walked in on them know what). But you know what I could do? Kill a sibling of Ravenna's, hopefully, the kid is evil and all that stuff. Hey, I'm not kind-hearted, I just don't want to live with the guilt of killing some innocent kid (and having to deal with Ravenna's bad side).

"You're not focused!" Someone yelled, startling me from my thoughts of murder and candy. Oh right, I'm supposed to be training with jerk-wad over here.

"Julien, 4 words for you. Shut the hell up! I can throw a blade from the line and hit the dummy. Isn't that what you wanted?" I snapped.

"First of all, that was waaaay more than 4 words" He started. "Smartmouth" I muttered. He must not have heard 'cause he just kept on talking. "And it's not good enough! You can't hit the accurate parts which disarm an opponent on a moving target! Not even the..." I zoned out. It was too early in the morning the be lectured, let alone train. My thoughts drifted away from the candy fiasco to taking the blade in my hand and cutting off his 'accurate part'. Yup, that's the one, the one where the sun doesn't shine.

"Hey, Scarlett, ready to go again? Scarlett? Are you even listening to me? Scarlett!?!" Out of the blue, one of the training knives went whizzing past my face, nicking my cheek in the process. OH NO, HE DID NOT!

"ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?" I screeched. "You couldn't have just splashed water in my ear? Or yelled at me? What is wrong with you!?!" I continued by screaming at him in every language I knew while applying pressure to the gash in the process. It wasn't that deep, but still. Aren't assassins supposed to be able to rely on each other not stabbing us in the back (literally)? Then, without warning, I jumped up and kicked Julien in his region, or at least I tried to until he grabbed my leg, twisted it, then flipped me so I was spinning in the air like a gymnast one moment, and sprawled face flat onto the cold, hard ground the next. You'd think a training area would have a soft ground in case someone fell, but no. It was just a cold, hard floor. I swear I've fallen off buildings that had softer concrete.

"Oowwww" I groaned into the floor. My skin felt raw on the areas that had hit the ground. And the spot on my leg where Julien had grabbed it was definitely going to bruise. Julien started speaking again and I really didn't want to listen, but then again, he was the person who just flipped me onto the ground and was currently standing over me.

"You need to control your temper. You're sloppy when you're angry. Also, learn your place in this gang. You're hardly higher than a trainee! Not some high-tier assassin. If you were, I wouldn't be training you and you wouldn't be making some sloppy and stupid mistakes. One wrong move in the field and you're dead. No second chances. No..." He lectured on and on and on, but I wasn't paying attention. I had my ear to the ground, waiting to feel the light vibrations and clickety-clack of Miss Ravenna Hall's heels. And boy did I hear them. Someday, I'd have to repay her for saving my butt all these times.

The door to the gym opened. I looked up, only to see the beautiful awesome, black haired girl everyone loved......not Ravenna? It was some woman in a suit with her brown hair in a tight bun. Julien jumped and stood straight, grabbing his shirt from the stands and hastily putting it on. (I know, me too! I can't believe Ravenna would let me train with Julien shirtless. She must know that he absolutely hates me and that I definitely wouldn't give his tanned, toned body a second glance.) As Julien straightened his shirt, I struggled to stand to my feet. It's not that I'm weak or anything, more like my legs were numb after being stuck on the ground for a while.

The woman glanced around the room, then focused her gaze on me. "Miss Lolen, you'll need to come with us." Four men in similar attire walked out from behind the door and escorted me out. I glanced back and saw a look of genuine fear on Julien's face, but then it was replaced with a look of disdain followed by a blank stare in my direction. Oh boy.

A/N: So I'm going to address a little pet peeve of mine. Ravenna: Pronounced Ruh-ven-uh. Not like Ray-ven-uh. RUH-ven-uh. Ok, got that? Now the second thing I wanna ask y'all. Does anyone know if I gave Ravenna and Julien nicknames and if I've given Julien a last name?

And I also wanted to tell y'all that I wrote this chapter after I finished my math finals 45min early. Crazy right? A writer? Who's fast at math? How did THIS happen? Well, the exam was short and we were given 2 hours to finish it. So yah. Anyway, I was waiting to be dismissed from the exam room and I was looking through my desk. So I found some stuff. ((Read the next small section to the theme of PPAP.)) I found a pen, I found some paper! Time to write chapter 6!

Ik, major cringe festival happening right now and that is the center.

-Vamp out :F

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