Scars and Old Relics

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I woke up in a cot. Confused and dizzy, I pushed myself up before groaning and falling back down. There was a pain in my right arm and a bandage over the place Julien had placed the hot poker. Carefully, pulling away the white bandages to reveal a small, odd, puffed up scar underneath my wrist.

 Carefully, pulling away the white bandages to reveal a small, odd, puffed up scar underneath my wrist

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"That's going to affect how I fight with my 2 knives." I mumbled.

"Good, your up. We're going training so suit up." Someone said, standing at the foot of the cot. I looked up to see the one and only 'amazing' Julien.

"With this injury?" I lifted my right arm up to give him a full view of the swollen scar. "Do you want me to do some arm wrestling with it as well?" I said in mock seriousness. Julien glared at me for a while then said with mock appreciation, "No, I just want to see you in action. What does the legendary daughter of the Lolens have to offer to our 'humble' society of killers?"

"Give her a break. She's only just gotten up, and I want to talk to her." Ravenna said, shooing him away. While doing so, her usual black coat flipped up revealing a small knife...with a ruby on it. I might've been seeing things because as soon as I saw it, it was gone and her coat was covering it. 

"What's that blade in your coat?" I asked then tried to make it seem normal. "It's beautiful, it looks like a relic."

"Aw, thanks!" She said pulling it out. "My father gave it to me. He said it was a spoil after he killed one of his enemies. It was a gift for getting the position of 'Nightingale' here. Do you want to see it?" She asked handing it to me. I took the blade in my hand and admired the gem. 

"Oh, yah, I almost forgot, you don't know the positions! Nightingale is a sort of messenger that gives someone a message, but also marks them with a nightingales feather

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"Oh, yah, I almost forgot, you don't know the positions! Nightingale is a sort of messenger that gives someone a message, but also marks them with a nightingales feather. Then, the receiver of the message signals for me to kill the messenger after it's been received by giving the messenger another feather. And I'm the first girl messenger in......." I zoned out and uncapped the dagger. It was decorated with vines of poison ivy engraved into the sides, a sort of way to say 'this blade will kill you'. It was polished nicely and definitely looked well kept. The detailing was beautiful and intricate, compelling me to look closer. I flipped it over, and engraved into each wing were letters, a J, and an L. James Lolen, my father, and the Nightingale had his dagger. 


Sorry for the super short chapter. I gotta study for finals. 

Vampy out :F 

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