Chapter 7

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Sky took a step backwards, towards the door.  I took that as my cue to dismiss myself, even though it was still early in the evening.  Just past eight o'clock. I probably smelled rancid.

"Hey," I called after him just as he's turned his back to leave.  He whipped back around and I saw his silhouette in the darkness, "Thanks for listening to me babble back there.  I don't normally share so much, especially not with someone I just met.  I usually see my therapist on Mondays, so maybe subconsciously I just needed to spill my guts because it's, well, Monday.  And, there I go again, talking too much." 

I just ramble sometimes.  He didn't feel well, he wanted to leave, and I just kept talking. 

Corin shiftted his weight and his face was lit up by the light from the window he stood near.  He smiled that crinkling smile, "It's okay.  I don't mind.  Sorry about my..."  He looked down briefly, then back up.  ​

"It was still a good night," I assured him.  "Thanks.  For the sunset," I said, even though we both missed the sun just as it dipped below the horizon.

Corin looked out towards the water.  I noticed the sound of the waves crashing, adding to the night ambiance. "Yeah.  It was a good night sky." 

He began walking backwards, and just as he turned forward to take the corner towards the path back to the main house, just before I stepped into the doorway, we both looked at each other.  

He bit his lip, flipped the thermos up in the air and caught it. He smiled again.  "It was a good night, Sky." 


For weeks prior to spring break, I had difficulty falling asleep.  I'd lie in bed exhausted from the day, but my mind would race.  From conversations I'd had with Kyle, to visions of Natalie and Kyle holding hands, to memories of my parent's heated arguments I had walked in on. Lately, I had kept myself awake going over hypothetical scenarios of the spring break trip, kicking myself for not speaking up about the plans to Florida.  I tried not to blame Jane for the chaotic changes, but I was mad at myself for not having a backbone to stand up for our original plans. 

That first night at the lake, I fell asleep peacefully.  Maybe it was the cup of tea I drank before crawling into bed.  Maybe it was the exhaustion of this entire day; the release of anxiety, the hours of driving, meeting Madeleine and Corin.  Maybe it was that I looked forward to tomorrow, knowing I was going to wake up in this beautiful place.  Maybe it was the combination of them all. But my mind was calm, and even my headache subsided as my body rested. 

No thoughts of Kyle, Natalie, or Jane.  I did not hear my parent's voices.  Just the April wind, and the waves that crashed on the beach, not far below Water's Edge.

It wasn't even eight-thirty when I collapsed into bed last night and fell asleep. I didn't even change into pajamas. I slept hard. 

Not even a long, hot shower soothed my headache in the morning.

Mimi was in the kitchen when I managed to head down around nine-thirty. 

"You just missed Sky, she grabbed something to down by the water." Mimi said, "She looked as hungover as you do right now."  She was washing out Evelyn's thermos in the sink.  Even the sight of it made my stomach churn a bit, remembering the vile tasting drink. 

"If you drank even one sip of what I think was in here, then you both must be feeling miserable.  Damn Evelyn.  Next time she offers you a drink of anything, just say 'hell no.'" 

I groaned to let her know I did feel terrible.  I picked at a blueberry muffin, feeling hungry, but not wanting to upset my stomach. 

"I hope you both at least were able to enjoy the sunset." 

I nodded, but remembered how I threw up in front of Sky last night, I groaned again.  Mimi started filling the thermos with orange juice, and a few liquids from jars she pulled from her refrigerator.  She hummed while she screwed the lid on.   

"You're going to bring this down to Water's Edge." 

"Is it a magic potion?" I wished it was.  I needed a bit of magic.  For my body.  For my life.

Mimi winked.  "Maybe.  Go to her.  You both need this."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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