Chapter 2

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Introductions were brief.  Sky.  Her name was Sky. I was sure I'd  met a Sky before, but I couldn't put a name to a face if I were to meet her again.  If I looked at this Sky's face long enough, I'd likely remember.  Her smile, especially.

Mimi did not go into details of why Sky was at the house, other than she was a guest for the next few days.  I was pretty sure Mimi knew more about Sky, but I wasn't going to ask.  I was relieved Mimi hadn't  make a big deal about me, just  introduced me as Corin, her favorite grandson.  Sky smiled and nodded, said "that's sweet," and then food was served. 

That was it.  I had expected a little more, I guess.

I remained quiet for most of dinner.  Mimi did most of the talking, some story about her last road trip to Georgia that I didn't pay much attention to.  I kept my eyes mainly on my plate of food, Mimi continued to talk and make Sky laugh.  I had no idea what was  so funny.  Sky caught my eye when I managed to look up.  She asked me to pass her the parmesan cheese once, and thanked me when I did.

"You're not hungry, Corin?"  Mimi nudged me.  I still didn't have much appetite the past few weeks.  Sometimes even the smell of food made my stomach queasy.  I know I'd lost weight, enough for me to notice, enough for my clothing to feel looser.

Despite all of her chatting, Mimi was first to finish eating.

"Don't let me rush you two," Mimi said, as she cleared her dishes.  "Evelyn is going to be here any minute, she's late as usual, and I still have to get ready.  Is there anything else I can get you, darling?"

"No. Thanks," Sky and I said in unison.

No, thank you," I said.  Suddenly I was embarrassed, I felt my face grow warm.  Of course, Madeleine was calling her grandson darling, not me.  I felt like a fool for responding.  But Madeleine swated him, Corin, on the head playfully.

"I was talking to Sky.  She's our guest."  She looked at me with her crinkly, happy eyes and said, "It's been a while since he's had to share me, he's been here that long."  She laughed as she patted Corin's arm.

"Your grandma is a hoot."  I said, but immediately regretted it, because who our age uses the word 'hoot'?

"Yeah, Mimi thinks she's hilarious!" Corin called out loud, so Madeleine heard in the kitchen.

"Damn right I am!"  And I laughed again.  Sitting there with Madeleine, listening to her tell the story about the wild trip she took to Georgia last winter (wild for a 76 year old woman, anyway), I enjoyed the feeling of laughing with someone.  I hadn't had a good laugh like that for a while.

"Corin, take Sky to watch the sunset tonight.  The rain isn't expected until later this week, I think, so you're safe." Mimi called out.  

And just like that, I had plans for the night.  It would be my first venture to see the lake since I arrived three weeks ago.  I'm not sure why, since Water's Edge is one of my most favorite places on Earth.

"You remember the best spot to view, right Corin?"

"Yes, Mimi." I rolled my eyes. "Only since I was born."

Sky smiled.  "If you don't have anything better to do tonight," she said.

Mimi poked her head around the doorway.  "No, he doesn't.  Are you kidding me? All he does is mope around here all day.  I'm glad you're here Sky, you can give him a reason to get out of this house.   And go open the door for Evelyn, kid," she gestured to me, "Tell her I'll be right down."

Gee, thanks, Mimi.  Not embarrassing at all.

Corin stood up, he looked a little red in the face, which isn't difficult because he's so fair.  He looked as though he could use some time in the sun, fresh air, a little wind to blow in his long locks.

He backed away from the table and looked at me.  "She's crazy.  A crazy old lady.  Don't listen to her."  He smiled at me for the first time.  He had the same crinkle around his eyes as Madeleine does when he smiled.  I had a feeling that he, like myself, hadn't been doing a lot of smiling lately.

Maybe the sunset would be good for us.

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