Chapter 01

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I force my breathing to slow, my heart beating rapidly from the sprint to my room. That really should've been no problem, but I'm not exactly "in shape" -unless you count the shape of a potato.

I walk over to the full length mirror and peer at the girl inside. The girl looking back at me has long light brown hair with blonde highlights. Her irises are a pale grayish-hazel, and she has barely noticeable dark spots under her eyes. Her cheeks are round and her chin is flabby. Acne covers what might have once been soft, pale skin. Tears slowly start to make their way down her face.

The sad thing is, this girl is me.

This girl, silently crying because she hates her life, that's me.

I wish I wasn't in this stupid family. My mom's an idiot and I have to be twice as amazing as my brother for my work to be acknowledged. I have no father. It's not that he's dead -although he could be for all I know- it's just that my mom simply decided not to let me or my brother anywhere near him.

Apparently, after they got married, he started seeing some other girl and they divorced. Custody of me and my brother was given to my mom without any hassle. The way we were automatically given to my mom makes me question if he even loved us, but who knows.

I wish I could go to another world and never come back. One of those amazing worlds from an anime, TV show, video game, book, anywhere away from here. Ouran Academy, Amestris, Fiore, District Twelve, Gallifrey, DWMA, -heck, I'd even take the Survey Corps!

Silently crying, I walk over to my bed and lie down. I put on my headphones and hit the little button that's for turning on music.

I open my eyes, my entire being filled with drowsiness. I hear a door open.

"Come on! Wake up! You need to get ready for school!" a perky female's voice seems to echo through my skull.

I lazily sit up and drag my legs over the edge of the bed, feeling as if my brain and body have melted into thick molasses. I'm the complete opposite of a morning person.

"Huh..?" I yawn, noticing how unfocussed my vision seems and the absence at the bridge of my nose. Where are my glasses?

The girl sighs, "Here." She places my glasses on my lap.

"Thanks," I murmur as I put them on.

The ways things appear no longer look they way they did before.... Now it looks more like a standard-quality anime. A room that I've never seen before is wrapped around me. On the side I'm facing there's a bookshelf pushed up in the left corner, the front facing me. Next to it is a desk (also facing me) with an office swivel-chair that made me think of Dr. Stein from Soul Eater. There is a flat object on the desk that looks something like a black book that's large in surface area.

"There we go!" the bouncy voice cheers, I now see it belongs to what looks to be a maid.

She has short black hair and green eyes. I hate redundantly perky people.

She skips over to the side of the room facing the head of the bed frame. She opens the door to what seems to be a closet and pulls out a yellow dress; an Ouran Academy girl's uniform.

Such a vile yellow.

She places it on the bed next to me and bounces to the door,"Your father told me to come in if you're not out in five minutes."

My... Father...?

This sentence finally snapped me awake. Curious as to what was actually going on, I got dressed into the *gag* dress.

Any possibilities..? Uh.... I'm going crazy..? No, crazy people don't suspect themselves as crazy... Uh... I'm dreaming..? No I would've seen an anime character by now... Hmm... Well.... I'm bound to find out eventually if that maid girl comes back.

I walk over to the desk to find that the black object is a laptop with a with pineapple on the top like Apple does with their laptops. In OHSHC Kyoya uses a Pineapple laptop. If I didn't know any better, I'd think I'm in that same universe.

I turn it on to find a profile named "Hanako," with a cherry blossom as the picture. Hanako is a Japanese name that means flower child. Huh, sounds like something I'd name a profile. I click on the icon. Out of curiosity, I enter in my usual passcode, 'nihongo hanashimasu ka' -which translates to 'do you speak Japanese' Surprisingly, it lets me in! The layout and mechanics look like a windows seven but I get interrupted by the door opening before I can play around with it.

The same girl as before dashes in, "If you don't leave soon, you'll be late on your first day, come on!!!"

I grab the laptop and stuff it into a messenger that happens to be positioned on the desk. Also inside the messenger are some textbooks and binders. I follow her out the door, focusing on the tap, tap, tap sound the mary janes make on the wood floor. I follow down a staircase.

My first day? Where? Ouran Academy would be most likely considering I have a maid, am currently exiting a mansion, and am wearing their uniform. Oh, look, a limo. What did I expect?

I wonder how I got here... It can't be a dream because you don't think about it being a dream when you're in a dream.

I enter the limo and it takes off.

I run my hands through my hair, realizing it's now blonde rather than light golden-brown. I acknowledged the fact that my fingers no longer looked chubby to me, but rather long and skinny.

I start feeling around my face, stomach, thighs, and I realize I'm skinny... No longer does my stomach come out; no longer do my thighs sag against my seat. It's not real! It's too good to be true... But, still, the limo pulls up to the prestigious school.

Today's gonna be an... interesting... day.

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