Chapter 9

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"This should be the right place," Amari said, looking up from her phone. She stood at the entrance to an alleyway, between a dress shop and a busy cafe, both of which Amari had never been to. Actually, Amari had never been to this part of her city. It was a long drive to get to, Amari having taken the early bus to get there on time. The places all around this area were far more expensive than the small shops she had around her home, but she didn't plan on staying long enough to do any shopping. She only had one errand to run, and she hoped to be on her way back home before lunch.

Masquerade had messaged her with the desire to meet her, that's how she and Leonidas, perched upon her shoulder, found themselves in this neighborhood.

"Guess he isn't here yet," she said, hoping to get a better look down the alley without having to step much further down it. Somehow the walkway was pitch black, as though this space didn't get the memo that night ended hours ago, and that day had begun.

It was still relatively early in the morning, a little after 9, and the sun was still establishing itself in the sky. The pavement grew warmer, and Amari wondered how much longer she'd be able to wait before someone from the shops would call her out for loitering.

"We should go looking for him," Leonidas suggested, taking off from her shoulder and floating closer to the darkness of the alleyway. Amari caught him before he was engulfed. Cupped in her hands, she spoke to him.

"He said he would meet us here, so we'll wait. Besides, I'm not walking down there."

"Are you scared?" the Bakugan asked, some semblance of mocking in his deep voice.

"No, I'm not scared," she snapped back at him.

"I can protect you, you know," he said, flying up out of her hand to float at her eye level. Amari wanted to laugh.

"Oh yea, I'm sure a little toy like you could, against any creep lurking down there who would be much more interest in playing with Bakugan than kidnapping me."

Amari meant it as a joke, an easy counter to his initial accusation. Instead, her humor fell short on the Bakugan, and he took the joke seriously.

"I thought you said everyone battles with Bakugan."

Her heart sank a little for the Bakugan. He was still new to the world and she wasn't making his transition into it any easier.

"Oh, uh, no. Not everyone, but most people do."

Leonidas mused over her words for a moment as he often did when she spoke of something he did not quite understand.

"Your world is very - interesting," he sounded as though he had more to say and Amari was eager to listen, wanting to answer everything she could for him, but the door to the cafe next to them chimed open. Two old boys, probably in their late teens, walked out together, waving back to a young girl around Amari's age. She held the door open for them and stepped out just far enough for Amari to catch her profile; long red hair tied back in a pony tail, a friendly smile on her face directed to the two boys, and an apron tied around her waist and neck over a pretty yellow dress. There was something familiar about the girl, but Amari couldn't quite place it.

"Bye, Alice! Save me a piece of cake next time!"

"Hope to see you again soon, Alice!"

Both boys said lovingly as they took their time crossing the street.


Amari had heard that name before.

Alice, Alice, Alice.

Amari racked her brain for it, but nothing came to the surface. She couldn't think of anyone from school - if anyone had hair like hers and were as pretty as this girl, they would definitely stand out. So, why didn't she?

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