The First Date

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(Starfire's POV)

I stayed up all the night thinking about my date. At 5 of the clock, I went to Friend Raven's room, ready for the making of the over. "Starfire, go back to sleep!" She grumbled. "It's 5 am!" I was confused. "He said we should meet at 8 of the clock."  She shook her head, and rubbed her tired eyes.  "8 pm, Star! Most boys aren't even up by 8 am!" I felt dumb. Why would friend Robin like me if I couldn't even tell the time right? I sighed, and went back to the sleep.

(At 7:30 pm, Robin's POV)

"What is taking the girls so long?" asked Cyborg, munching on an apple.

"Don't you remember, Cyborg?" Beastboy winked. "The date's todayyy!" He nudged me with his elbow.

"Shut up, guys. If Raven liked anyone else, you would be as stressed as I am, BB" I smirked.

 "I don't think Starfire really likes Red X" Cyborg said. "If she did, she would be at Raven's room at 5 am, begging for makeovers" He joked. 

Beastboy laughed, than looked shocked. "What is it?" Cyborg asked, than looked up in awe. Raven was leading Starfire in to the common area. She was wearing a glimmering pink dress, made out of light, feathery material. It was held up by crossed straps, and it flowed beautifully behind her when she walked. Her hair was loosely curled into beach waves, and had a flower in it. She wore shimmering pink lip gloss, and when she smiled, I fell apart.

"I guess she did dress to impress." Cyborg said, staring at Starfire's clothes.

"Who knew Raven was so good at makeup?" Beastboy said, not taking his eyes off of Starfire's face.

"Please, friends." She asked, interrupting the stares. "I look.. nice?"

"You look..pretty." I said.

"Pretty?" Starfire looked down at her dress, and blushed.

"Pretty good." I saved myself just in time, and glanced down at my feet. "Have fun on your date. And remember, stick to the plan."

"I..the will, friend Robin. Thank you for your compliment." She looked sad, and walked away with Raven. I started kicking myself immediately. She would never like me if I acted like this. I never know what to say around girls that look as perfect as Star.

"So." asked Raven. "By the look on your face, I presume I did a good job?" 

"Just go" I grumbled. I hoped that this would be the first and last date. She would find his identity, and get out of there. It was all a plan, there were no real feelings. I hope.

(Starfire's POV)

I walked to the top of the roof, sighing. Robin had no feelings for me, I was sure of it. We were friends, and nothing more. Even Beastboy and Cyborg paid more attention to me than he did. 

"What's wrong, cutie?" I instinctively whipped around, starbolts flaring. 

"Whoa, whoa, it's just me." It was Red X. He sat down beside me on the roof. "You look sad. What's up?"

"Oh X, I like the you, but I also have the feelings for Robin. He is making me the sad by not reciprocating them."  What was I the doing? Confessing to a boy I didn't even know.

"Let me guess, birdbrain is saying the wrong things. Well let me tell you.." X lifted up my face so I would look at him. "He doesn't know what he's got. Now come on, let's enjoy our date." He held on to my waist, and we teleported to the arcade. For a thief, he seemed..caring. I shrugged it off. Stick to the plan. 

After we played some games, I suggested going out to dance at the same club that we went to when Blackfire visited. As soon as we got there, I went to the bathroom and called my friends. "Friend Raven, I don't know how to dance. What should I do?" 

She sighed. "just put your hands on his shoulders and sway to the music. When the time is right, try to kiss him." 

I smiled. "Thank you, friend Raven. I knew I could count on the you."

I snapped my communicator shut, and walked out to where Red X was standing. "Would you the like to dance?" I asked, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Like to? I would love to, cutie." He put his hands on my waist, and we stepped back and forth, him looking at my face and me looking at his mask. Just imagine it's robin, I thought, but I was not thinking about the him. I was thinking about Red X, his identity, and if we could be the friends when the plan is completed.

The music slowed. I knew what I had to the do, and I the blushed. For my friends, I thought. I leaned in to kiss him, but he turned away so it landed on the cheek of his mask. "Sorry, sweetheart.  I would love to, but I don't exactly trust you yet. Maybe on our second date." He stepped back on teleported. "I had fun. Catch you later" He disappeared yet again, leaving me the sad and confused a second time. When I flew back to the tower, I breezed by my friends, and went to my room. On my bed, I saw a note.

Thanks for the date, cutie. Meet me at the park Wednesday of next week.

Love, X.

Love. The plan had not the failed! I whooped in joy. I still had the chance to kiss the him and find out who he the is. I blushed again. Was I beginning to like the someone besides the Robin? I decided to not think about it, and to let the happy feelings come to the me as much as I wished. I would complete the plan, and have the fun doing it too.

(X's point of view)

I walked up to the mysterious man, his face also covered with a mask. "The date is complete" I said, kneeling before him. 

"Do you think she has feelings for you?" He asked, stroking his chin in thought.

"I'm working on it. I think she still likes Robin." I flinched at saying his name.

"More importantly, do you have feelings for her?" He intently looked at me. "And I'll know if you lie."

"Yes. I like her." I braced myself for his words.

"Good. I'd love to see a little more pain." He turned a rubix cube in his hands, slowly crushing it.

"And my payment?" I inquired.

"In time, X. And Robin's identity?"

"In time, Slade." I spat out.

"I haven't used that name for a long time. Call me.. Deathstroke." Waves of electricity shot through my body. Here, you could get punished for using the wrong name.

The Rubix cube got crushed in his hands, and he let it fall to the floor in a million little pieces. It reminded me of my heart.


Will X find out Robin's identity first through Starfire, or will she find out his and foil Slade's plan? Find out in the next chapters!


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