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(Starfire's POV) 

After 3 days of the waiting, we finally got to carry out the first part of the plan. I was the nervous, for I had never been on what the earthlings called a "date". I always thought my first one would be with Robin. I guess the not.

The crime alert whooped. "X" Robin grunted. "Let's go. Starfire, you know what to do." We ran. Friend Robin had gotten angrier and the angrier over the last few days. Sometimes I the wonder if he is even worth the liking at all, and I feel very ashamed. We reached the warehouse, and Red X immediately started fighting the us.  I was careful not to use my strongest attacks, and to let myself be captured the quickly. 

As I was pretending to fight against the sticky red X's, Red X came up to me. "Has anyone told you what's wrong with you?" 

"The no.." I said, confused. This was not one of the compliments that cyborg said was part of the flirting.

"Good, because there's not a damn thing." He winked, while kicking Robin in the face. I blushed. He jumped up, teleporting. "Catch you later." 

"We'll catch him now." Robin smiled. "I put a tracker on his boot. Starfire, follow him!"

The boot said that he had gone into an alleyway by the pizza place. I stepped into the darkness, calling out.

"Red X?" I called, almost a whisper at first. I was nervous to ask him, almost like I had a real crush. 

"I wish to take you the up on your offer."  The alleyway was silent. Was friend Robin's tracker wrong?

I got my answer when Red X teleported in front of me. "I'd love to, but I'm pretty sure your friends are waiting in the dark. Sorry cutie, but I'm not tricked that easily"

Robin came in on the communicator as planned. "Star, where are you? We have to find Red X!" He shouted, slightly smiling at the trick.

"In that case" He looked surprised. "Meet me at the roof of your tower at 8 tomorrow." He pressed the button, and before he teleported, he waved. "See you soon, cutie. Can't wait." He disappeared, and I was left alone in the alleyway, blushing the heavily. Something about him made me feel the free. I shrugged the happy feelings off. I loved the Robin, did I not? I flew back to the tower, sighing. As soon as I got back, everyone surrounded the me, chatting a mile a minute.

"How was it, Star? Did it work?" Beastboy asked. 

"When's the date?" Cyborg asked.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how much will this make birdbrain mad?" asked Raven. Even she was showing interest.

"Please friends, where is the one you call the birdbrain?" I asked.

"Robin? He's in his room." Raven pointed. They seemed the sad that I wouldn't tell them anything.

"Friend Robin?" I asked as I knocked on his door. 

"Go away, Star. I'm trying to work." He said, not even opening the door.

"But would you like to hear how the plan is working?"

"Just leave." He grumbled. I sighed and ran to my room, crying. I loved him, but did he love the me? I did not think the so. I looked up into my mirror at my face, strewn with the tears. If I'm  going on a date, I want to enjoy the it. Who the knows, I may even enjoy Red X's company. I went to Raven's room and knocked on the door. "Raven, if you are not the meditating, I require your help." She opened the door. "What do you want?"

"Since I am going on a date.." I fiddled with my hair nervously. "I wish to partake in the making of the over?" 

 "When have you been into makeup? You don't even need any." Raven looked confused.

"Oh friend Raven.." I collapsed on her bed. 

"Off." she said. 

I sat up. "Friend Raven, I am having the boy troubles. I do not think that Robin is treating me the nicely, and I don't think he likes me. I want to make him.. what is the word..."

"Jealous?" She questioned.

"Yes, the jealous. I want to look nice on this date." I smiled.

"Ok then. If you really must have this, I'll do your makeup tomorrow." Raven sighed and started to close the door, but I gave her a giant hug. "Oh thank you, friend! Thank you so much!" 

"You are hugging me.." She grumbled.

I walked out of her room and went to mine, lying on my bed and daydreaming about the date.


How will the date go? Find out in the next chapter!

Insta: robxstarstar


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