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~ Copyright ~

I have not, nor will I ever, give anyone permission to use any character

or story from my imagination to use in any way whatsoever.

As such no one is allowed to use my creations.

This is my story, my characters, my ideas so no stealing.

You will be reported immediately if you do(and hunted relentlessly).

I do NOT own any pictures or media that appear in Edens' Edge,

unless of course, I otherwise specify. I do, however, own the stories,

plots, characters, and any other writtings within this story unless otherwise specified.

If anyone COPIES any of my creations(or someone elses')on Wattpad by copying, manipulating, broadcasting or distributing work unauthorized is in breach of the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988. I WILL REPORT YOU TO WATTPAD AUTHORITIES FOR A VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT LAWS.

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