Depression part 2

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Date: 5 January 2011
Hi Mr. Diary

Hey happy new year,new start and new hope. See I know I'm doing late updates these days but its hectic days and u know also so dont upset much, And yeah both twins namkaran ceremony was blast.

We had so much fun and their name came from V so we decided to named them Varun and Viona.
They both are naughty babies and we having lot of fuss to take care them huh tyming of woke up together and my Lil sis crying voice actually is morning alarm to us Hahaha its feels good only a week and now its hectic Ahhh you know nah what I mean!

Mom handle them perfectly but she also  facing problem sometimes to handle them, sometimes she not cook food to me because she looking after them which totally OK but our  maid she is annoying.

She always start to cook when I enter in home and she evil queen know that I had Tution at 2'o clock and I reached 1'o clock at home but she always start cooking when I entered to house, and her excuses are such lame what I tell you.

My schedule became so hectic actually I came at 5'o clock from Tution and then help my mom to look after munchink but its so hard job to look after them.
Sometimes I want to play and go out but now days its actually seems to impossible.
Mom looked like zombie these days my little munchink drained her energy.

So yeah these days I'm fully surrounded by my family and helping them to look after my siblings.
And my school life also seems hectic.
So yeah Mr.dairy I'm busy a lot these days so forgive me and I'm tired too so its end for today.



Date:20 January 2011
Hi Mr.dairy

Nothing new is going same hectic school life and unit test going on huh and twins making no easy to us.
Same hectic life nothing new, I'm tired so going to bed early so yeah I will update you soon .

After the 2 months diary entry starting to April.

Date: 2 April 2011
Hey Mr.diary

You know today I'm so excited for school because now I'm in 9th standard yipeee.
Start of senior year you know and it was beautiful day.

Everyone in class too much excited for senior year. We know its hard class because of new syllabus and we heard about it from our seniors too.
But I'm excited dont know why, and my schedule going to hard and hectic too.

Okk now I take a leave bye.


Date: 5 April 2011
Hi Mr.diary

So yeah like I've telling you that my schedule going to hectic so yup its become hectic with some stress too.
Things changed a lots in these months nothing seems same like it was previous but why I'm doubting in this topic again seriously I don't know but yeah everything changed.

U also thinking that I'm lost my mind on serious note yeah I think same also. But its not like that I'm thinking these nonsense thought without any reasons but there is reasons behind everything and that things same happening with me.

Dont know what's happening these months I'm thinking too much over little things.
I think its stress and my teen hormones like mom also told at puberty teens thinks a lot and they face lot changes so yeah may its happening same to me.

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