Chapter 9

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Izuku's POV

Once I got from my seat I walked to Y/N and I smirked at her. "Don't worry darling I'm not going far." I told her with a smile on my face. She looked at me with the death stare and then looked away from me. I sighed and then walked out of the room.

Locking the door behind me.

I wasn't joking. She will not leave me. I know right now that as soon as she gets a chance she will go back to the heros. But....I won't let her.

I made my way to the bar and saw them all there. "I have news." I told them all. Everyone looked at me and then smirked. All of them looked happy except from Toga.

"And what's that?" Shigaraki asked me.

"I know Y/N weaknesses." I told them.

Now all of them was interested. Toga especially. I have no idea why. They all looked at me and waited for me to tell them about it. I grabbed my book and write Y/N's name in it as well as a little drawing of her. Then I opened my mouth and then started speak. "If she uses her light too much the  light around her will become even brighter and everyone around her  will be blind for about 5 minutes. If she use her darkness too much wherever she is will be surrounded in in like an abyss type of thing" I told them. While I was writing the things in my notebook as I was saying them.

"Really? If she's going to be one of us we are going to have to be careful. How long can she last? Or how much power can she put into it?" I heard Dabi ask me.

I turned to him with my now is usual look on my face. Emotionless. "I don't know. She didn't look like she wanted to talk to me anymore. So I left it there. I'll ask her another time." I told him.

He nodded his head at me. Everyone knew that she isn't in the mood to answer all of mine or the others questions right now.

I looked at all of them and they looked at the floor. I sighed and then walked out of the room. I walked back to Y/N and saw that she was looking at the wall. She was holding something in her hand.... I couldn't see what it was so I tried to get a better but it didn't work so much. "Y/N. Are you ok?" I asked her.

She didn't respond to me. As I sighed and was about to go out of the room I heard her say my name. I stopped and looked at her. "Izuku." She said to me. I answered with a hum and she continued to speak. "I need to use the restroom. Where is it?" She asked me.

I looked at her and smiled. "Follow me." I said to her. Once she got up she walked over to me and followed me. Once we got their I moved the other way from her so she can have some privacy. I walked back to the others and saw then looking at me. "What?" I asked them.

"Where is she?" Shigaraki asked me.

I raised an eyebrow at him and then looked at everyone else. "Why?" I asked them.

"Wondering. She haven't eaten yet. Is she hungry?" Shigaraki asked me. I looked at him and then nodded.

"She's in the bathroom right now. So I'll ask when she comes out." I told them. They all nodded their heads at me and then I sat down at one of the tables. I never thought I would actually be with Y/N again.

And I know she won't do something stupid like run away.

So I'm a happy person. I love her and I know sooner or later she will love me. So I don't mind the wait. She's so worth it. I know what I said earlier that she might escape but I know now that she won't. I am right. She does love me deep inside her heart. No matter what she says I know that's the truth. All of a sudden I could feel cool air. Which was a little surprising since the door were closed and all that. But whatever.

"Izuku." I turned to Dabi and looked at him.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"Where did you say Y/N is?" He asked me.

Again I raised an eyebrow at him. "Bathroom why?" I asked him.

"She's been in there for 30 minutes. Is she ok?" He asked me.

My eyes widened and I got up. I ran to the bathroom and opened the door.

Dabi's POV


We all heard Izuku shout that. Me and Shigaraki got up and ran to him. As we caught up to him we saw him looking into the bathroom with wide eyes. We ran closer to him and then looked in side. We saw no one. There literally no one there.

Y/N escaped!?

But how?

There are no marks on the walls. And the only window in there was one that was way to high for Y/N to reach. 

So how?

Izuku's POV

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!!

"Damnit. So it was her that made that draft. She escaped. DAMNIT!" I said out loud.

I looked into the room and then turned away. "Great now. We have to get her back." I said in a cold tone of voice.

Dabi and Shigaraki looked at me and then nodded there heads. As all three of us made it back into the room I saw all the others looking at me. Toga seems to be worried about something. But I have no idea what. She really is a strange person. I have no idea what's going on through her head. And frankly I don't care. All I care about is that....

"Y/N escaped."

And that's that. Thanks alot Reader-Chan. I am so glad that you are all enjoying this. And it makes my day to see so many good comments about this story. So thanks alot everyone.

See ya

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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