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Jisung blabbed on and on about some college project he's currently working on. Hyunjin hummed along But didn't pay too much attention to the others words. He was too focused on the fact that he'd get to see Seungmin again, but this time he has to act like he hates him.

"Does Felix have an older brother?" Jisung asked suddenly. Hyunjin looked at him and nodded slowly "yeah. Lee Minho, he's a dancer major at your college" Hyunjin mumbled while looking at the younger. The dark haired boy blushed deeply before turning away. Hyunjin made a mental note to ask him about that later, but for now they were standing outside Felix's house.

You could hear Seungmin yelling at Minho from outside, they were probably playing some sort of game. Those two always get over-competitive especially when they play against each other. Hyunjin opened the front door and looked back at Jisung "I swear they're nice" he said before Seungmin yelled "you ugly ass rat. Get off me fatass!" Jisung snickered loudly causing all the boys to look over at them.

"Jisung! Hi!" Minho said quickly getting off of Seungmin and running towards the boy. "Finally. I almost died he's so heavy" Seungmin mumbled while standing up. He looked over at Hyunjin then looked at Felix "what the fuck is he doing here?" Hyunjin asked, being the first to start off their little prank. Seungmin faked a hurt look and sighed sadly "Felix why did you do this to us? You know I wasn't ready" Seungmin mumbled quietly while looking at Felix with watery eyes.

Seungmin was a really good actor. Hyunjin was also really good at acting. The two had Felix right where they wanted. His eyes shifted back and fourth between the pair. "I'm sorry" he said while playing with his hands. Seungmin finally let the fake tears fall "y-you know how I feel about him Felix. Why would you do this to me?" The younger asked while he wiped at his eyes. His performance was outstanding, Hyunjin almost believed it for a second. He wanted to pull the other boy into his arms and kiss his tears away, but then he remembered what they were trying to do.

Hyunjin took a few cautious steps towards the two boys. Minho and Jisung had sensed the emotional tension and had escaped upstairs before they got dragged into it. Hyunjin scoffed and shook his head "I don't know why you're crying. You're the one who let me walk away" he said while pushing Seungmin slightly.

The younger gasped and held the shoulder Hyunjin had just pushed "how dare you? After everything I did for you!" He yelled. On the staircase Jisung and Minho sat quietly watching the whole thing go down "$10 Seungmin slaps him" Jisung whispered "he seems like a fighter" he added while glancing over at Minho quickly, Minho smiled as Jisung eyed him up "I get to kiss you if Seungmin kisses him instead" Minho replied his smile turning into a smirk.

Jisung gasped quietly but nevertheless found himself nodding along and mumbling a quick "it's a deal" before turning his attention back to the three boys. Jisung knew very little about Hyunjin and Seungmin's relationship before he moved in with Chan, but from what he did know Hyunjin was in the wrong. He didn't know that the two boys had made up, so he was extremely confident that Seungmin would end up hitting Hyunjin.

When Seungmin took a step closer to Hyunjin, Jisung grabbed Minho's hand tightly "oh here it comes! You're gonna own me 10 bucks!" He whisper yelled while gripping the other boys hand tighter. Seungmin was glaring daggers at Hyunjin while the other had his arms crossed smirking down at him. Felix was stood next to them frantically begging them to stop and apologizing for setting them up.

"What are you gonna do Minnie? You're just mad at yourself because you let me get away" he mumbled, while completely ignoring a frantic Felix. "You're right. I am" Seungmin whispered while raising his hand slowly. Jisung had let go of Minho's hand and was now aggressively shaking him by his shoulders "oh shit he's gonna do it!" Jisung said

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