6th Year

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𝐀/𝐍: 𝐒𝐨........ I did say at the end of May I would have something for you.... well I do.

New part, I will also be adding a part to this series so look out for a third installment, I have also been working on my other stories and I will start publishing again.

Sorry for the long wait, and I'm back now.

Draco was drowning, his arm burned as the Dark mark was etched into his skin, but that was a memory. Now he lay in bed the day before he returned to Hogwarts, his heart aching. He was going to lose Harry. All he said and did at school was for show but this... -- Harry would never forgive. He had his terrible mission and his mother's life depended on the choices he made. He shut everything out, put on his cold mask and become the Deatheater his father wanted.

Draco went through his tasks unfeeling during the day, but at night he'd hear the dull crunch of Harry's broken nose, the screams of the girl he almost killed. Then he saw her talking to Harry... and he knew... Harry knew. Draco turned and stormed off, 'No,no,no,no' repeated over and over in his mind. he made it up to the old abandoned bathroom and he couldn't breathe, he tore off his tie and splashed water on his face, he gasped for breath then looked up to see Harry's reflection in the mirror and he gripped his wand tight. A battle ensued Harry was confused, it was as though all the moments he and Draco shared were gone. He knew... in his head, he knew but his heart ached for Draco, the battle was filled with adrenaline and before he could think. he shouted,





Silence reigned over the bathroom as Harry stepped out and he couldn't choke back the sound he made. He ran to Draco, blood everywhere, he pulled him gently into his arms. Harry's heart felt cold, like it was dying with Draco, he didn't even know when the tears started to fall. Harry was in a daze as someone...no...not someone, Snape, pulled him off Draco and shoved him out of the way.

He backed away as he saw Draco being healed and left as the last wound closed. As he stood under the showers, washing off Draco's blood, his mind played the scene over and over again. He focused on the Dark mark he knew was there...and he didn't care, he knew he didn't care because he ... loved Draco. With all of his being, he loved him. But Draco didn't know that, 'Draco ... that idiot' he must be thinking that they were over. It was all Harry's fault, he'd been so afraid of what it would mean... to his friends, to him.

He needed to see Draco. He ran through the halls after hastily throwing on his clothes, he spared a glance out to the sky, only to realize he had spent hours just standing under the spray of the shower, he didn't even bother to dry himself so he skidded in his damp shoes, but as the fates would have it, he fell right into Draco.

Draco's heart clenched, he had just left the school infirmary getting another check to see if he were ok, it was a pain trying to get checked out without saying what happened, he hadn't had a location in mind but as he looked up he found himself on the corridor where the door to the Room of Requirement appears, he saw a door being formed but he shut his eyes and now, Harry was in his arms.

He didn't need to see his face, he knew how Harry's body felt pressed against him and he caught that one scent that was unique to Harry that always manages to intoxicate him. He held back his tears and gently let Harry go, he turned.

"Draco wait." Harry said but he didn't he took one step then another,

"Wait!" Draco shook his head and took another step, tears falling freely now.

{The Meddlesome Mistletoe Series} Part 2: Meddlesome Mistletoe.Where stories live. Discover now