A Review: Hardcore Honey

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A Review: Hardcore Honey

There are very few authors here in the Wattpad universe that do Spunky Heroine better that the Ooorah founder, himself—@AngusEcrivain.

If you venture over to @AngusEcrivain's page and wade through the numerous stories in his personal library, as you scroll through, a pattern will begin to emerge. What is this pattern? you ask. Well, it's the Hardcore Honey Collection. The Hardcore Honey Collection is currently up to number eight and includes tag lines from Hardcore Honey & The Assassin to Hardcore Honey and the Pumpkin of Truth. There's even a crossover special where @AngusEcrivain's Half Light universe make a little splash in Honey's world. For the purposes of this review, we will be taking a look at Hardcore Honey #2: Hardcore Honey and the Stolen Beretta.

In typical Dan-style, the reader barely takes two steps before they are thrown head first into the action. Granted, the action is a standoff between Honey and a mysterious, deadly man, but still.

She'd been staring, waiting for him t pull the trigger for far too long and she was getting bored. A bored Honey was not the Honey anyone in their right mind would mess with.

Hardcore Honey and the Stolen Beretta is a short little short story, right at one Wattpad page, but after I read about Honey's encounter with the mysterious man and the tentacle-laced alien who tried to kill her, I found myself wanting to flip through the rest of Honey's adventures. Those of you familiar with @AngusEcrivain's writing will not be disappointed with the spunk, jam-packed action, and general "bad-ass-ness" of Hardcore Honey

If that's your thing (action, beautiful, strong, fearless women...) you should go on over and check out Hardcore Honey and the Stolen Beretta.

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