College Life

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"Finally! I graduated high school! I thought the day would never come!" Ray said happily to his friend Michael.

"I'm surprised you managed to do it Ray. So, coming to my university or not?" Michael asked.

"Nah. Trust me, that'd be the dream, but your college is expensive. Besides you already got that amazing British dude in your room that you love so much. Right?" Ray said laughing.

Michael blushed, "We don't speak of it."

Ray laughed, "Anyway my dad pick my college, some cheap place in Georgia. I'm kinda nervous Michael, is that bad?"

"Not at all dude. It's bad if you don't worry. You better hope your roommate's not a tard. You need someone who can tutor you. No offense, but you aren't the brightest," Michael said.

"I got ya. Listen Michael thanks for driving me here. I know it'll be a long time till we see each other again, but we can wait right?" Ray asked getting out of the car.

"I'll be standing here with a sign that has your name on it baby," Michael winked, "Have fun Ray. I'll miss you."

"Miss you too homo," Ray said entering the airport.

This is it! He's going to college! The place other dicks told him he'd never make it! He's going to prove those dicks wrong!
Ray got on the plane and sat in his seat, in the back away from people, just how he liked it. He was ready, totally prepared. Except for his roommate though, that was slightly nerve wracking.

Oh well screw it. I'm taking a nap. Ray thought.


"Sir, we have arrived at the airport," the flight attendant shook Ray awake.
Ray jumped awake and shuffled off the plane. Ray was actually nervous for the first time in a while. He was actually going to college. He was really here! Screw the jocks who told me I'd never make it, Ray thought.

Ray grabbed his luggage and went out side and hailed a cab. He told the driver where he was heading, and they drove towards the university. It was only a 10 minute drive, so it passed quickly. After the quick wait the cab came to halt outside of the university. Ray exited the cab and walked inside the building. He walked up to the desk that appeared to be the main desk. He got his schedule and dorm number from the sweet lady sitting there.

"Okay. I really hope my roommate isn't a total dick." Goosebumps went all over Ray as he thought of his previous years in school being bullied by the bigger kids. Now that left quite a few emotional scars. Although he doubted his roommate would steal his crayons and break them. It's not third grade any more.

Ray walked into the dorm and was astonished. On one side of the room was his whole life. Video game posters, computer, Xbox console, and a bunch of college books on a shelf. The other side was empty. This being his side. One other thing he forgot to mention on the other side that he'd seen was his roommate.

He looked to be a little older than Ray, but not by much. Not to mention the guy was like twice the size of Ray.

"Hey dude," the man said to Ray.

"Howdy. Um, is this dorm 176?" Ray asked nervously.

"Sure is. You got the right place kid. My first year I walked into 5 different forms before I finally found mine. Way to go sport," the man said spinning in his chair.

"How could you get it wrong 5 times? The number is on the door?" Ray asked snickering a little at the man.

"Listen. I aside from the fact that I got a scholarship and got into college I'm not the most intelligent human being on the planet," he said.

"Sure, whatever you say Einstein. The name's Ray," Ray laughed.

"Ryan. Ryan Haywood. Welcome to my shitty hell hole," Ryan smiled.

He has a pretty smile. No Ray. Not again. Not after Michael. Ray thought to himself.

"So, you enjoying this life yet?" Ray asked sitting on his empty bed.

"Nope. I do however know a good pizza place just of campus. Wanna go? Maybe get to know each other a bit," Ryan suggested.

"Seriously?" Ray gawked.

"Have you never had pizza or something?" Ryan asked laughing a little.

"No, trust me, I've had pizza. Just someone being nice to me is new," Ray said.

"Well I'm gonna be living with you plus with that m facial expression from when you entered the room I could tell you were a gamer. Gamerscore?"


"Are you serious?!" Ryan exclaimed.

"I don't joke about my gamerscore Ryan," Ray laughed.

"I couldn't have gotten a better roommate," Ryan laughed.

"Agreed." Ray joined in.


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Hope you body's ready.


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