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As Ume and Noka manage to get up from the ground, they notice that Pochi had been quiet the whole time.

"Pochi?" Ume calls out to her which she manages to get a bark in response.

Confused, Noka whispered into her ear.

"Someone else is here," she says which alarmed Ume as she looks at her. If it was Hyuga, both Noka and Pochi would immediately take notice.

"Let's go inside," Ume hurries to bring them both inside before figuring out what to do.

Leaving Noka and Pochi inside, she goes out to investigate who was outside there.

"Is anyone there?" she calls out to the intruder in hopes to lure him out.

Not getting a response, she decides to head back inside until a hand covers her mouth from behind.

"Don't move!" he orders in a harsh tone followed by a hissing sound close to her ear. In the corner of her eye, there was a snake that was close to her neck.

"Tell me where the Fire Village ninja is," the intruder asks.

"As if I tell you," Ume hisses back.

"Then just keep silent until-

"Ume!" Noka suddenly called out to them as she was standing on the porch and on all fours.

"The child!" the intruder exclaims having his attention on her now.

"Noka get back inside!" Ume shouts at her.

"Get the girl!" the intruder held out his arm to launch the snake but the snake stayed wrapped around his wrists and staring at Noka.

"Grr..." Noka was glaring at the snake as she lets out a small growl but they seem to be talking. Then the snake bites the man instead.

"What the-

"Pochi!" she calls out to him as he runs outside the house and sinks his teeth into the man's throat.

The man went down on the ground as the snake slithers away but Ume quickly runs over to the porch.

"I thought I told you to stay inside!" Ume starts to scold her as she hugs her.

"Hey you were in danger and Pochi had to save you somehow!" Noka retaliates as she then looks over at the man.

He stopped moving and Pochi was cleaning the blood from his mouth. Then she senses another presence coming.

"Papa!!" she calls out to him. From the trees, Hyuga jumps down from there and runs over to them with a distressed look.

"Are you both okay!?" he shouts suddenly.

"Y-yes! Yes..." Ume quickly hugs him as he then looks at her face.

"Take Noka inside, I'll handle this," he says and she responds with a nod at his orders. He gave her some bag and Ume picks Noka up while Hyuga started dragging the body away.

They went back to Noka's room and she started opening the bag to find another leech of a different colour. Taking some forceps, she takes the leech out and puts it on her leg.

"Does it hurt?" Ume asks Noka.

"No," she responded calmly. Another sigh Ume's her lips as she went to Noka's side and started stroking her head.

For a few minutes, they didn't say anything until Hyuga finally came back to the roof.

"Hyuga!" Noka exclaims upon seeing him come into the room. He looked tired but smiles upon seeing her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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