Visiting Friends! (Redone)

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It's Summer now and Noka had enjoyed her time staying with Ume and Hyuga's home for the past few months. She was comfortable with calling Ume; 'Mama' but Hyuga was still getting used to 'Papa'. Not often she would call him that in front of the maids or anyone else but she was still happy with their constant shower of love. Though there were still rules that applied to her.

"Remember these traps. Both of you," she recalls the time where Hyuga tours the house for Noka to understand the traps he set up along with Ume since she forgot about where a few of the traps are.

"And this-" he showed her one room. "Stay FAR. FAR. Away from it. No matter what day, time or night it is. Do NOT even LOOK at it," he says it strictly to make sure it burns in her head.

For some reason, Ume was blushing when Hyuga showed her that room but she figured it was best that she didn't ask too many questions.

But today was a special day, the whole family decided to visit Hyuga's hometown, which is the Fire Village. Noka was excited because it will be her first time there and she could also see Enya again.

They arrived at the village at noon and it didn't take long to get there from their house on horseback. Pochi was with them as well since even he wants to the village he and Hyuga grew up in. It was a little hard because they had to travel through steep mountains to get there but they eventually got there. When they do, the air was so warm that Noka had to take off her hood and cloak but they were greeted by a happy Enya with open arms.

"Ume! Kiddo!!" he says happily and hugs the two of them first.

"Good afternoon Enya," Ume greeted him back.

"Enya!!" Noka goes ahead and hugs his leg to receive a head ruffle in return.

"So where do ya guys wanna go first?" he asks looking at Hyuga and Ume.

"Well see the Chieftain first. It's been a while and I'd like to update him on how things are going," Hyuga says and that made Enya grin widely.

"Ohoho! Finally telling him you've settled?" he laughs. "Alright alright, follow me Kiddo! I have someone special to introduce you to,"

Enya gave Noka a piggyback ride while Hyuga and Ume walked hand-in-hand around the village. Noka could see Ume waving at some of the women in the village as they were passing by.

"Mama seems to know everyone here," Noka asks Enya as they were strolling.

"Well, she did come here when Hyuga wanted to come home after the war. She has introduced to my father already and he gave them their blessings. We showed her everywhere around town after that," he says and pokes her nose.

"Now it's your turn!" he could hear her giggle in response as they walked a bit longer. 

They arrived at the biggest house in the village and it was obvious that this was the chieftains house. There was an old man who looks a lot like Enya awaits them along with Hachi.

"Hachi!!" Noka got off Enya's shoulders and hugged him. Pochi ran towards him and their nose touched.

"Finally!!" without any warning, the old man took her up in his arms and looked at her closely.

"After so long you are finally born!" he says happily, his eyes were filled with joy and he had that similar grin Enya always make.

"U-uh..." her face flush and didn't know what to say but Hyuga came in to save the day.

"My lord, you're making her uncomfortable,"

"Ah yes, my apologies you two," the old man apologize and handed Noka back to Ume.

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