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I intended for this entire fic to take place in Modern post-apocalyptic Domino City and like over half of it is in Ancient Egypt and even more is in past Domino City *sigh* I fucked up.

Thief King Bakura freezes against Marik, recognising the man beside him. "What is this?!" He demands, the voice of Zork underlying his pitch to a rough growl like a puppet master distorting his voice to fit the character. Zork is in control. Thief King Bakura removes the knife, throwing Marik who tumbles forward. "Why the Hell are you doing here?! Who are you, a trick by the Pharaoh?!"

Bakura narrows his eyes, remembering this. Remembering how he sat on the border between this world and the next, in the throne overlooking the mass game board of Ancient Egypt, everyone his pawn. And sitting across from him, the Pharaoh. "I'm you, you dick," Bakura sneers. That self is in control reasoning with the Thief King isn't going to accomplish anything. Doesn't mean he can't try. "And I'm here to tell you to quit this insane tirade of yours before you ruin everything!"

"What are you talking about?" He growls back, drawing his knife and ready to attack again. He lunges for Bakura with an uncertain cry, stopped suddenly as Marik slams into him. Marik's elbow crushes into his ribs and sends him flying back into a wall. He clutches his bare chest, bruising pain radiating through his back.

"Listen to him," Marik orders darkly, stepping aside to let Bakura explain.

"You're being manipulated by Zork," he states with grave sincerity. "You think this grand revenge will make you Pharaoh? Don't be naive. Zork will open a world of Shadows in which you are a mere vagrant, he'll toss you to the side and forget about you lest he need a pawn for his sick game,"

Bakura glares, realising how similar it sounds to him speaking about himself. Honestly, he doesn't remember which parts of him were Zork and what was actually him. What parts of himself he lost when they separated and he lost his old body. No, when he died. Because he did die the day the Shadows came, feeling the absolute nothingness as light left his eyes. It shakes him to the core even now, turning his pale face paler.

Marik watches him closely. Having died before, been reduced to mere essence trapped in the Shadow Realm and having his body slowly engorged into the Winged Dragon of Ra, he knows what Bakura feels. He knows that fear of non-existence that comes only from experiencing it first hand, and only those who have died understand. "Believe him," Marik assures, earning a thankful look from Bakura. "At least hear what we have to say,"

"Fine," Thief King Bakura agrees, sitting on the sarcophagus of the former Pharaoh. His legs spread as he does, his short blue robe revealing something very intimate to Marik. He'a always knew Bakura had a small dick. "Tell me what you need to, not like I have much choice,"

So they explain, Bakura more than Marik as he was actually there when Zork defeated the Pharaoh.

"You won, and the Pharaoh lost his body. He died, falling into the Shadows. You were so happy - I was so happy, until I realised Zork's intentions. He was never going to make you Pharaoh, he was using you. And you, I... died as well," Bakura states with glassy eyes into the void, past the wall before him and into a time of agony. His body finally gives out, maybe under the weight of his equipment as life drains from his spirit.

"Bakura!" Marik holds him, holds him close. Thief King Bakura considers everything, there's no way his future self is lying. He knows himself and he knows his own lies. So Zork betrayed him?

Don't listen to them! The voice growls in his head. He tries to block it out, but it keeps encroaching on his thoughts, creeping into his consciousness.

"Shut up," he orders Zork in his head. "Leave me alone, I don't need you for my revenge!" He grips the knife tightly. "I don't need you, I'll just kill the Pharaoh myself!"

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