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They load up on bullets and survival equipment sold at the airport on the Germany stop. Making it back to the plane just in time, the rest of the way to Egypt is slower and the plane groans and creaks with the added weight of people and heavy equipment. Thankfully most ground to cover is land, so Jo's fear of crashing over the ocean is alleviated. As the plane descends into Egypt they hold hands, gripping each other tightly in fear. Each second anticipating certain doom from some fault. Thankfully that doesn't happen, and they land despite some heavy turbulence.

"Bloody Hell," Ryou comments, staring around. "You weren't kidding about the shadow concentrations, Marik!"

It's noon, but the sky is completely black. Nothing exists, no clouds or stars or sun. Everything is complete blackout darkness. Shadows surround them in luminous purple shapes, ghouls fading in and out of existence staring through their hollow eyes. Whispering sighs and screams of dying breaths. What are they saying? Bakura wonders more than anyone, feeling the guilt and fear creep back into him as soon as his feet hit the Egyptian sands.

"Fuck," he hisses, remembering his last time here, and how quickly he left after Zork took over, and the age of shadows begun. That horrible betrayal, the disappointment crippling him. Never would he get revenge, never would he attain his dream of being Pharaoh.

"You okay?" Marik places a hand on his shoulder, pretending not to see the tears sparkling in Bakura's eyes. He feels such a close intimacy with Bakura, but now isn't the time to bond.

"I'm fine," he stands tall, cocking his rifle. "How do we reach the pyramids?"

"How do we even find them?" Marik groans. He has a point. The only lights are the few still working streetlamps, candles and lit torches carried by people employed to light the streets. In the desert there is nothing. No light, it's simply a blank void. "I mean, since the shadows took over, nobody goes into the desert unless they have a death wish,"

Ryou opens one of his occult books, using a flashlight to scour through the pages. "I can create light, candles that won't burn out, and powerful ones. But I need some time. We have 5 days until the next flight. Marik, can we make it to the pyramids by then if we spend the night here?"

"Yes," Marik nods. "And I know where we can go,"

They carry torches through the streets, passing abandoned cars frozen in time and once grand buildings reduced to ash and rubble. Beggars line the streets, small children scurrying up to them. Of course, they're trained to approach anyone with a large haul of equipment. "Hey Mr! Can you spare some equipment?" The kid asks Bakura, looking up through dark velvety hair. "Anything helps!"

Bakura stares at him, transfixed. His golden eyes shine brighter than any torch. That gold... it's so beautiful yet sickening. Chills creeping yo his body along with visions of fire, flames licking at his skin. "Wh-What's your name?" He asks.

"My name? My name is Aigami," the kid blinks.

"You're rom Karu Eruna, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am!"

He grits his teeth, frozen in abject fear. Karu Eruna is the name of Kul Elna having been remodelled from a derelict village millennia ago, to a modern town now. This was thinks to its favourable location for water and access to other cities, which was the reason the original village was built by thieves on that settlement. However, the difference is the people who built Karu Eruna were descendants of the Pharaoh's people, the ones who killed his family and ruined his life. Those who caused his pain.

"G-Get out of here...." he shudders, speaking lowly.

"Bakura..." Ryou warns, stepping forward. Bakura cocks his glock and points it in the child's face.

"Get out of here before I kill you!" He screams, and Aigami cries, scraping against the ground to run from Bakura. Only when he's out of eyesight does Bakura lower his gun. He turns, looking at the ground but feeling the eyes of other on him, just shocked. Not knowing how to react. That's what pisses him off the most.

They should react badly. They should hate him and hold him responsible for what he just did. But they're just stuck, torn between sympathy and anger all repressed together. That makes him so fucking angry. "Where was it we were going again, Marik?"

Marik snaps from his somnambulant daze. "Uh, yeah. Follow me," 

Eventually, in the low light they reach an apartment building that's actually quite affluent. "My siblings and I managed to save most of our things once the shadows took over, since we were underground," he explains as they climbs the staircases. "So we can trade them and afford to rent one of the more affluent places here," 'Affluent' in this world describes the places with least damage, or the most comforts, the maximum wealth a person can have in this world where light is precious and your history means nothing. 

They stop at a doorway, one arms with heavy locks, only able to be unlocked and opened from the inside. The door opens and Ishizu grips Marik in her arms. "My brother, you've come back to us!" he greets him in Arabic, before noticing the rest. "And you brought friends," 

"Sister, I'm only here to help them. But it's good to see you - I've missed you," he smiled at her, and despite her disappointment she smiles back. All she wants is her little brother back, but she's happy he's found people. Reconnected with those from Battle City. She sees Ryou, and then Bakura. 

"Marik," she whispers. "Is everything alright?" 

"Bakura is my... friend. It's alright, Sister," he assures, and reluctantly she trusts him. After accepting them into the small apartment and Yugi explains everything, Odion's instincts as a host take over and within seconds they're sitting on thick, hand-woven rugs on the wide floor as Odion fills the home with the wonderful smell of home cooking from the stove. 

"We really appreciate this, guys," Jo gives them the thumbs-up. "I wish we could repay you somehow," 

"Nonsense," Ishizu dismisses as Odion hands out bowls of steamed soup flavoured with root vegetable and sweetened with stale sugar. "Now, what is your plan to revive the pharaoh?" 

"Actually," Ryou smiled softly at them. "I'd like your expert opinion if you don't mind. I need to make a permanent light source we can carry with us into the desert, one that can light the way and guide us, like a star to navigate. But I'm having trouble reading the ancient texts..." 

Marik watches Ryou and Ishizu delve into their knowledge of the Ancient Magic, leaning into Bakura's chest. "Come to my room, something tells me this will take all night," 

Bakura takes his equipment to Marik's small bedroom. As expected, his stuff has been traded out since he went to Domino. They set up blankets and rugs on the floor, lighting a small fire on the stone windowsill, smoke leaving the room through the window but the heat trapped in by light mesh curtains. "How are you feeling?" Marik suddenly asks, placing down his food.

"What about?" 

"Well, you've been on edge since your deal with Zork. Are you sure this is what you want?" 

"What I want doesn't matter," Bakura shakes his head. "This is the right thing. I need to know what I'm doing will help - this is my responsibility even if I didn't mean it. What happens to me is irrelevant," 

"When did you get so righteous?" Marik grins. "You're not like how I remember you at all," 

"Who you remember isn't me. You remember a version of me warped by millennia of hate and under Zork's control. This is the real me, are you disappointed?" Bakura asks, eyes sparkling with uncertainty, mouth pulled tight.

Slowly, tenderly Marik closes the gap between them, leaning forward and kissing Bakura's cheek. His lips are rough but the kiss is chaste and light, their hair brushing together softly. "I could never be disappointed with who you are, Bakura. I just wish I'd known you sooner," 

The Age of ShadowsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora