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Don’t forget the way

Your lungs crave air as a reminder to keep

your fifteen-year-old self alive.

Don’t forget the things that make you smile

Count them on your fingers and your toes

If you’re lucky enough to run out

Of space I’ll lend you mine.

Don’t forget the way the

Wet grass feels,

Dancing underneath your feet

Or the times we’ve spent dancing

In the cold rain.

Hold these things close to your heart,

Brand them in your mind.

If your lip should start to quiver

And the ocean hiding behind your

Tired eyes releases violent waves against

Your cheeks,

Reach out and take my hand I’ll be

Your shoulder to cry on

Because despite what you may think,

It’s okay to cry.

I’ve fought this battle before, on my own

But darling, I’ll never let you be alone.

I understand that sometimes the monsters

Inside each and every one of us

Soon begin to crawl out

Not taking mercy to anything in it’s path

But I’m standing right here and you won’t

Fight this by yourself.

If you should have any doubts, reach out your hand

And touch my skin for conformation that people who

Care really do exist,

People like me.

I may have not walked in the exact

Shoes you wear

But I have worn a pair quite similar

I know how hard depression can be

However, I also know that with

Someone by your side you can conquer anything.

I want to be the one to help you conquer everything.

I understand.

I believe we’re here for a reason

I know it seems hard

But if we can find just one thing

To make you smile

Hold on,

It may not be right away

But, it gets better,

And that is a promise.

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