Open Your Goddamn Judgemental Eyes.

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Beauty is collarbones like basins,

collecting the rain water.

Beauty is hipbones holding the hands of

size zero jeans.

Beauty is the perfect cup size,

not too big,

not too small.

Beauty is double digits

and ribs like valleys.

Beauty is a perfection,

everything you aren't.


Beauty is what you see in the mirror,

beauty is the things you hate,

that others love about you.

Beauty is the way your stomach looks,

pudging a bit in your favorite jeans.

Beauty isn't a size, or a standard.

Hell, beauty isn't a picture.

Beauty is your crooked smile

because it's genuine,

your button nose

dotted in pesky freckles.

It's the shine in your eyes when you're happy.

It's the tears that kiss your rosey cheeks.

It's the second, third, fourth slice of pizza

It's the sweatpants and messy buns.

Beauty is so much more than what's depicted in magazines.

Beauty is you and I,

not a standard.

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