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Paris, Sunday 2:10 am
Seoul, Sunday 9:10 am

I woke up starving.

It's been quite sometime since I've treated myself to an American breakfast and today seemed like the perfect morning to do so. The sun shone in all it's perfection through my window, magnetically pulling me out of bed with a energetic spark in my step. I walked over and opened the blinds a bit more, soaking up the natural light.

Mornings like this was when I miss him most.

The bright sunshine signifying a new beginning to a day unseen would always remind me of when I would see him again and also the first time we met. I chuckled lightly to myself thinking back on that day.

"Shae, was it?"

He called to me as I was headed out of the jewelry store. "Yes?"

"Are you leaving?" His face held an innocence that struck me rigid. Looking at him made me second guess that idea.

"Well, I planned to. I can't really hang out in a jewelry store all day." I stated.

The beautiful smile that centered the paragon of his face continued to draw me in. He seemed really sweet and honestly the first guy that has talked to me since my time here.

"What about me? You can..." He began to chew on his bottom lip as he tried to construct his sentence. I could tell he wasn't fluent in English but the way the creases formed in his forehead was cute as he communicated with me.

I may be a bit bold with what I'm about to say.

"Hang out with you?" I smiled.

His shoulders dropped in relaxation or either shock as he briefly lowered his head to hide his perfect smile. I watched him lift his mask back up to his face before piercing me with a very curious gaze.

"Please?" His voice muffled.

Sighing on my thoughts, I was about to begin my routine when my phone rang. I answered, already knowing who was waiting on the other end. I fell back onto my bed and was immediately taken away at the sight of him.

"Two days." He spoke. The white t-shirt he wore camouflaged against his sheets as he laid on his side.

"Two days?" I asked.

"I will kiss you in two days." He answered.

"Three." I corrected.

His brows lifted in curiosity, "three? Why?"

"You need to rest. You can't just hop off the plane and immediately come here. You need to settle and rest first."

His lips pouted in the cutest manner. "I could do that with you."

"We will have plenty of time to. I promise." I glanced up at the time, "why are you still awake?"

He closed his eyes and smiled as he turned on his back and held up his phone. "I was talking to our fans." He opened his eyes smiling brightly after his statement.

"How did it go?" I asked.

My engagement surprised him.

"Good." He smiled.

"I'm happy to hear that."

Taehyung brought the phone closer to him, captivating me to his gaze. "Can I ask you something?"

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