Chapter 3

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Thank you all for your support of this story. It means a lot. I hope you enjoy the new chapter and sorry it took me so long to update. Been really busy. :)


After Edward cut the ribbon with a large pair of scissors the doors were opened and we were invited inside the museum. I, followed by Nicholas and Lucas, went one way while Edward and his guards went the other way.

"Evangeline," Lucas said.

I stopped walking and glanced at him over my left shoulder. "Yes?"

"Shouldn't you be with the prince?" he asked. "The media is here and they are watching your every move. You don't want to give them the impression that something is wrong between you two."

I looked over my other shoulder at Nicholas. "What are your thoughts, Mr. Bodyguard?"

"I have no thoughts on the matter, Your Highness," he answered. "The decision is entirely yours."

I stood there, staring at a painting while I tried to decide what to do. The last thing I wanted was to spend time with Edward, but Lucas was right. I didn't want the media thinking something was wrong between Edward and I. We had to pretend we were mad about each other.

"There you are, darling," I heard Edward call out loud enough for the reporter's nearby to hear. Forcing myself to smile, I turned around and gazed at him. "I thought I lost you."

"I'm right here, honey," I replied, moving toward him.

Edward met me halfway and kissed me on the cheek. I felt like my skin was crawling. "Stay by my side," he growled softly with a smile on his lips. "And wipe that look of disgust off your face. We are supposed to be madly in love. Though why anyone would want to be in love with you is a mystery to me."

Hearing Nicholas let out a curse, I turned slightly and gazed at him. His eyes were flashing with anger and there was a muscle twitching in his jaw. Something told me Edwards words had upset him. I gave him a kind smile and turned back toward my snake of a fiance. "Right back at you, darling," I drawled, resisting the urge to punch him in the nose and ruin that pretty face of his.

"Someday that mouth of yours is going to get you into serious trouble, Evangeline," he said coolly. "Bite your tongue, take my arm, and act like everything is wonderful."

I bit my tongue to keep from telling him to go to hell, looped my arm through his, and plastered on a smile. On the outside I tried to look the way a woman in love would look. It was difficult considering I had never been in love before. On the inside I was seething with rage. That was something that came easy to me.

* * *

Two hours later I was in the car heading back to the palace. Lucas was sitting up front talking to the driver and Nicholas was beside me. Edward had business to take care of so we went our separate ways from the museum, which suited me just fine. The return trip to the palace promised to be much more pleasant without him.

Nicholas shifted, his shoulder bumping lightly against mine. I sneaked a peek at him out of the corner of my eye. He was looking out the window. I took the opportunity to study him. My eyes traveled over his figure and a question popped into my head. "Where do you keep your gun?"

Nicholas glanced my way. "May I ask why you want to know?"

I shrugged a shoulder. "Just curious is all. I never see it."

Slowly, he opened his suit coat, revealing a gun in a shoulder holster. "Shall I show you the other one?" he asked, his voice filled with amusement.

I arched an eyebrow at him. "How many guns do you have on you?"

"Two." Nicholas closed his jacket. "The one I just showed you and one I have strapped to my left leg. I believe in being prepared, Your Highness."

"I guess so," I uttered dryly. "Have you ever shot anyone?"


I gazed down and saw he was gripping the edge of the seat so hard his knuckles were white. He was uncomfortable with our conversation. "Let's talk about something else. Tell me about your family."

"My parents are dead." Nicholas cleared his throat. "My mother died five years ago and my father two years ago. I have an older brother, a great sister-in-law, and two beautiful nieces." He smiled crookedly. "My nieces were excited when they found out I was working for you. They're big fans."

"Really?" I smiled. "I would love to meet them. Let me check my schedule and speak with James. I'll set aside some time for your nieces to come to the palace. They can have lunch with me and I'll even give them a tour of the palace and grounds."

"They would enjoy that," Nicholas said. "I'll wait for you to give me the green light before I tell them. If it's possible please make it the weekend. They have school during the week."

"I understand," I told him. "What are their names and ages?"

"Kimberly is nine and Kaley is seven." He stuck his hand in his pocket and came out with his wallet. He opened it and removed a photograph, handing it to me.

I stared at the photo and broke into a smile. They looked like their uncle. "They look like you, Nicholas."

"I know," he sighed heavily. "The poor things."

I laughed softly and gave him back his photograph. "They are beautiful children and you are lucky to have them."

"I couldn't agree more," he said. "And they have their Uncle Nicky, that's what they call me, wrapped around their little fingers. They discovered at a very early age that I have a hard time with telling them no. Heaven help me when they get older and have more expensive taste."

"I might have to give you a raise, Nicky," I teased him.

"Please, it's Nicholas," he said. "I don't even like it when they call me that, but I don't have the heart to tell them to stop."

I smiled to myself. I just learned something about my bodyguard. Underneath it all, he was a big softy.

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