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Aurelia stepped off the bus and sighed as she looked around hopelessly. She had finally made it to Santa Carla but now what was she supposed to do? She had no car, no job, no home, no food, no family, no friends and ten dollars to her name. She huffed and perked up her chest before making the first steps into her new, homeless, life. She found herself walking along the boardwalk and taking in all the sights and smells. Her nose twitched as the heavenly smell of funnel cake hit her in the face as someone walked by. She felt her stomach began to growl loudly and she blushed hoping no one heard. However, the blush faded as a bright smile lit up her face when she saw the big Ferris wheel. She had never seen one in real life before and it ignited the childish fire in her heart. As she practically skipped to stand beneath it and watched with eager eyes, she caught someone's eye. Unknowingly to her she had captured the attention of a dangerous young man who watched her intently, craving her touch. 

His dark eyes drank in her form as he felt his dead heart cry out for the woman before him. His tanned hand reached out to tap his brother's arm and point in her direction. David turned and froze as he too drank in the beautiful woman who hadn't noticed their attention.

"Paul. Marko. Leave them." He hissed without having to look to see his other brothers openly teasing the needy human girls latched onto their arms.

"What? Why?' Paul whined and rolled his eyes at David.

"It's her." Dwayne growled at his brothers, offended they dared to question their eldest brother.

Marko and Paul both turned to look and instantly shoved the girls away from them, their attention now fixated on the red haired woman. She was now looking at a map in her hands and tilting her head to the side. David groaned as he watched her bite her lip in thought. Dwayne took in an unneeded breath as he watched her shuffle her feet and his eyes on her legs. Paul's eyes were fixated on her unruly red curls, wanting to tangle his fingers in it. Marko found himself licking his lips as she reached up to move her hair and unknowingly flashed her beautiful pale neck to him.

"Hey! What gives?!" One of the girls complained as she tried to get back into Marko's arms but he just shoved her aside so he could step closer to his brothers and enjoy the view. 

"Get lost." Paul snarled at them and they stomped their feet before giving up and disappearing into the crowd. 

Once the two were finally gone all four boys watched the woman with hungry intent. Their stare was so powerful that Aurelia felt them on her skin and she turned. Her eyes connected with David's first and he almost hissed out in pleasure as he felt the bond quiver through his body. His fists opened and closed as he tried to resist the urge to go and drag her to him. He had been waiting years for this moment and damn it was better than he ever imagined. When her green eyes flashed to the others she was so distracted by the devilishly handsome men she didn't notice the man approaching behind her. 

A large hand reached out and gripped her ass tightly and she let out a loud yelp and spun around to find the culprit. Her lips curled back into a snarl and her fist collided with his stupid smile. Flesh met teeth and as the man staggered back she spit in his face. 

"Touch me again and I will be smashing my fist into something else, you fucking pervert." Aurelia growled and quickly gave one last look at the four boys only to be surprised that they were now behind her and only three feet away. 

Dwayne reached out and tugged her behind him to act as a shield when the man's friends started to gather around them. David glared at the foul male that had dared to touch what was his and had to suppress the urge to dig his fangs into his neck. 

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