i. pin prick

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"EVERYBODY! WE'RE ON IN FIVE." Sophia Bradford whisper yells through the hallway, adjusting her headset as she walks over to the girls' dressing room. A look inside cues an eye roll from Sophia as she watches the ladies scramble around the room, looking for their accessories that go with the outfits they have on, and then allowing the senior girl to move on to the boys' dressing room to find the same thing. "If you're not dressed by now, don't even bother. And if you just found a huge tear in your costume, do not get mad when I accidentally stick you with my needle and thread. Now let's go!"

Sophia adjusts a few things on her peers' costumes as she ushers them out of the building to wait outside while the first scene of West Ham High's rendition of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead plays out in the school's auditorium.

Picking up the end of a sophomore's dress so it doesn't drag across the pavement, Sophia follows the group all the way out until they are settled at the rogue lunch tables to wait for their cues.

"All right, you guys know the drill: keep it down out here because they'll be able to hear you inside, and do not mess up my costumes." Sophia warns as she begins walking backwards toward the dressing rooms that are backstage. "Break legs." She teases before fully turning her back on her peers.

Turning the corner, Sophia halts as a sudden gust of wind blows across her face, followed by a rancid stench flowing through the air. Sophia scrunches her nose at the familiar scent and presses the back of her hand up against her nose, trying to block the foulness out.

This smell had arrived one day, out of the blue, in the town of West Ham, terrorizing the community with it's horrible odor. It lasted for a while before going away completely, much to everyone's liking, but now it seems to be back.

Sophia quickly heads for the backstage entrance, needing to get inside and away from the smell, but once she enters, she finds that it has seeped into the building as well, permeating through the crowd, causing parents and faculty to raise their handkerchiefs up to their noses as they watch the first act of the play in agony.

Agony from the smell, though, not from the performance. As Sophia listens to the scene in front of the curtains that block her view, she is pleased to hear her friend Harry perform his scene with student council president Cassandra, emitting laughter from the crowd.

Before Soph can linger for too long, though, she remembers her costume design duties and heads back to her room to finish up last minute stitching for the clothing in the second act.

The play's wardrobe consisted of long, layered dresses and thick, detailed fabrics that Sophia wasn't used to creating. The girl had her heart set on becoming a designer for high end clothing stores bought by people living in Beverly Hills or seen during Paris Fashion Week, so this was definitely a challenge, but a challenge she thought she succeeded in.

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