Back to normal (final)

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"I got it!" Coran said suddenly as he ran into the lounging area. everyone was doing some sort of work, except for hunk, who was cooking, and Keith, who was sitting on the floor, playing with Lance.

"you've got what?" Shiro asked

"a way to turn Lance back into his normal self," Coran said.

"really? how?" Pidge asked.

"I set the pod to a certain setting. As long as he is in for only an hour (A/N: i dont remember what they call it in the show) then he should be fine. But only an hour, no more and no less," Coran explained. They all went to the pod room, getting Hunk on the way. Coran opened a pod and put Lance inside of it. Lance had put up a fight at first, but eventually gave in. they closed the pod, and went to the lounging area to wait, Coran staying to monitor the pod. 

"Never thought I'd say this, but I kind of miss the regular Lance," Pidge said. 

"I agree, I didn't notice before. but he's kind of the heart of the team," Keith said.

"I dont know if its because of staying up with baby Lance, or because the older Lance hasn't been here, but I haven't gotten as much sleep as I normally do when Lance is here," Pidge said.

"What do you mean staying up with Lance, I did that most of the time. You did that once," Keith said, making everyone laugh. They continued to talk until Coran came into the room an hour later.

"He's out of the pod, and awake," He said and they all went back into the pod room. When they walked in they saw Lance sitting on a chair, leaning against the wall. It was obvious he was about to fall asleep. Immediately, Hunk and Pidge ran over and hugged him, surprising him, but making him smile. 

"Whoa, what's with the sudden hugs?" Lance said.

"Nothing you'll understand," Pidge said playfully, earning a noogy from Lance. 

"Good to have you back Lance," Shiro said.

"Thanks," Lance said. Keith stood in the corner of the room awkwardly.

"Hey mullet, there's no need to be in the corner you know, I can't exactly attack you or anything," Lance said, chuckling.

"haha, as if I would be afraid of you attacking me," Keith said, smiling. They all messed around until Keith whispered something to Shiro, who smiled and got the others out of the room to make dinner, causing only Lance and Keith to be in the room.

"Hey um..Coran told me that while I was..babyfied, you were the one that took care of me the most so um..thanks Keith," Lance said awkwardly.

"No I ask you something?" Keith said and Lance nodded ok.

"w-will you go out with me," Keith rushed out. It wasn't how he originally wanted to ask Lance out but he still did it, which was hard in itself. Lance blushed, stood up, and decided to kiss Keith as a response. they ended the kiss a minute later.

"does that answer that question?" Lance said and Keith smiled. 

"now come on, knowing Hunk he probably already made dinner," Lance said and Keith smiled. They held hands and walked to the dining room together, ready to tell the others that they were, finally, a couple. 

A/N: And there is the last chapter. How was it? Tell me in the comments if I should make baby Lance/ Klance one shots (This isn't choosing which one, just if I should make a story of one shots of Klance and baby Lance). i hope this chapter was good and I would love to hear feedback on good parts, and some parts that I should improve on (not including grammar, cause I already know i suck at it lol). Hope you all enjoyed and are having a good morning, afternoon, evening, night, wherever you are. 

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