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"When we return to our real home, let's promise to stay together forever."


Jinki had spent the majority of his life bedridden due to his poor health, and it always gave him the thought that he would most likely die young. His aunt Soon Deok, who he fondly referred to as eomma for the lack of one of his own, always told him not to dwell too much on his misfortunes. But to enjoy every moment whether he were laying in his bed of out in the wilderness with the rest of his siblings. For Jinki, it was always something difficult to do when he'd see the others--Eunbi, Eunji, Ara, and Soohyun--being able to spend time outside, while he could not.

The slightest breeze could send him back to his bed with a cold for about a week.

The only one who always remained by his side was Heiran. If Jinki could not go outside, she would not go either. Instead, they remained indoors and played with the wooden toys Han would make for them. He always felt bad, and felt as though he were holding her back. But in the back of his mind he was also always grateful to have someone to talk to.

He remembered one instance when he was seven years old. Eunji was only four, and their eldest sibling Soohyun was already nine. They had been living in the forest for four years then, Eunji's entire life. It was the only world he had ever known and he felt for her. She was only a child who had no memories of their parents. She had no memories of their home back in Goryeo, and she had no memories of ever living anywhere else. Even Jinki remembered their parents, as he was three when it all happened. 

His youngest sister had been getting ready for bed. 

In the first four years, Han had expanded the tree house for them to have four bedrooms. The twins Soohyun and Eunbi shared one room. Eunji, Heiran, and Ara shared a room. Han and Soon Deok had a bedroom of their own. Jinki had a room all to himself, which always made him feel isolated and lonely. Heiran had begged and even cried because she wanted to share a bedroom with him. But Han and Soon Deok declined, only because they were all still children and they didn't want the others catching an illness because Jinki had it. 

But Jinki will never forget what he heard his youngest sister say that night. He had been looking for Heiran, since the two of them always played games before bed, when he stopped in the doorway to their bedroom. The room had three little beds with mattresses made from cloth bought in the village and filled up with leaves. "Eomma, how come Jinki's sick again? What's wrong with him?" The little girl wondered aloud. No one had seen Jinki yet, and he stood back so as not to be seen. The moment he heard his name, he seemed to freeze.

Soon Deok bit down on her lip nervously as she contemplated which was the best way to explain it to a child. "Jinki is special, dear. That's why he requires special care. But he's still your brother, and he's still our family."

The little girl still didn't seem to understand. 

Soon Deok always felt a sense of sadness and nostalgia whenever she looked at little Eunji. She had her sister's eyes, the exact same look Hak Soon had whenever she was curious about something. She was her mother's exact image, as anyone would put it, her mother's daughter. Just like Soohyun was the exact image of Eun. As he got older, he seemed to look more and more like his father. The only difference was that Soo was beginning to grow much taller than she remembered Eun to be. But he was just as handsome, and Han thought so too. 

The next words that left his little sister's lips made Jinki's own lips quiver with sentiment. Her words sent a prick in his chest. "Soohyun is big and strong, and he takes care of me. Jinki can never come outside and play. I don't think I like oppa Jinki very much. Why can't he be like Soohyun? I prefer oppa Soohyun." She was only a child, and he knew he shouldn't take her seriously. But that didn't stop her words from hurting his feelings. 

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