across the stars

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across the stars ; a moon lovers spin off fanfic

"our destiny was written across the stars." 

or in which one brother has built up much resentment in his heart, and what he wants more than anything is to have control over everything in his life to make it better.


story notes: takes place about fifteen years after the events of "rain of my soul". this story will mostly revolve around jinki, his siblings, as well as his cousins.


c a s t 

kim min jae as wang jin ki. third child of prince wang eun. he grew up in the forest in japan with his siblings, his cousins, his aunt, and uncle. though he was very young, he still has some resentment in his heart because he felt his father didn't love him, and gave his older siblings special treatment. he is very protective of his cousin hei ran, and his younger sister eun ji. seventeen years old at the beginning of the story.

 seventeen years old at the beginning of the story

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kim so hyun as wang hei ran. first child of prince wang han and soon deok. she grew up in hiding with her parents, her sibling, and her four cousins. she has always been super overprotective of jinki and was the one person he always felt he could trust. she is sixteen at the beginning of the story. 


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so the reason why i chose these two face claims was because they appear in "goblin" together. they had a ton of chemistry. they looked really good together, and there are gifs of them together out there in the universe which i will most likely be using for this story.

soo hyun and eunbi will also make some appearances in the story, as will han and soon deok.

i really hope you all enjoy this little story i have thought up for you guys.

this is what would have taken place in goryeo after eun and minji died in the past, while the sequel to rain of my soul will talk about what happened in the present. how did their lives continue away from their family?

i think, other than soon deok, everyone in this story will mostly be my creation. the children, han, any extra characters. only i guess if the other princes are mentioned. but anyway, i hope you enjoy.

thank you for everything.


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