28 - A little excitement

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Adam was halfway home when he realized he invited Amanda to spend the night. Was he really going to sleep with two girls on the same day?

He immediately showered but hadn't even dried off when Amanda arrived. "Look I don't even have to undress you." She cooed and dropped to her knees.

How could he give her up? He didn't know if he wanted to. She was struggling with her new boss and he liked how she leaned on him. He thought the guy was a jackass. Recently she started spending more nights during the week with him than not. He would stay at the office to call Lana and then go home to Amanda.

He decided he was ready to end things with Lana, but then the image of her face as she climaxed would fill his mind. When his dick twitched, he knew he wouldn't say a word. Labor Day was the day he had set to figure it out.


Ryan met with Douglas Alfano again. The older man said, "Good news! Dougie's tired of me talking about you. He's flying up for the weekend. He wants you to be ready to drink."

Ryan joked. "I'm not twenty anymore."

"Twenty! You were getting drunk at seventeen!"

"Guilty as charged."

"He'll be here Friday. Now tell me how you'll make my money grow."

"I recommend varied risk. I have some funds I like which pay over six percent in dividends. They're high risk, but if combined it with lower risk options."

"Go on. I'm listening."

By the time Ryan explained, they had a plan. Allie would set up Douglas' account and arrange for the wire transfer. Once it was in place, Ryan would spin his magic.

Late afternoon on Friday, Ryan went to the door to find his old friend, Dougie.

"How do you look so good?" Doug walked in and looked around. "Nice place. All yours?"

"No, it's a friends. Man, it's good to see you. Drink!"

His friend had a few extra pounds which he attributed to marriage and kids. He looked too old to be a lifeguard, but except for some thinning on top of his head, he still had the Malibu look.

"Yeah." He made his way to the slider. "You devil you've got that hot thing!"

"What?" Ryan remembered Lana was floating. "No, she lives across the street. She likes to use the pool."

"Then you don't mind if I try my luck with her?"

"She's in a relationship and I thought you have a wife."

"I do, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her."

Ryan cringed, but didn't say a thing, after all his father was a client.

"Dad said you're going to make him lots of money."

"I'm trying. You want to go to the beach?"

They walked down and Dougie marveled at all the changes. Ryan knew Alex was responsible for a great deal of them.

Ryan heard him before he saw him. "Hey QB!"

The kid was with Cassie who already had a boyfriend. Was anyone faithful anymore?

"You come to play?"

"Dougie, can you still catch the ball."

"Hell yeah!"

They played for a while and then they went to The Beach House. It was early enough that they found two spots at the bar. Ryan felt at a loss because there wasn't much in his life to talk about. He could tell him about Jack, but he didn't want to talk about his brother's loss.

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