19 - I don't care if you do

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As they finished their run, it was already hot. Ryan thought about ice coffee, but he really preferred his coffee hot and black. Walking out of The Landing he saw the group waiting for the bus.

Rory asked, "Hey uncle can we swim after exams today?"

Rory had swum over the weekend with Jack and Adam, but bringing friends was new.

"Did you study for your exams?"

"Um yeah, do you think I would fail Megan's civics exam and math is easy."

He had heard Megan taught but didn't realize she taught the kid. He smiled. "You sure you don't have Harris genes, because acing math is the one thing Jack and I have in common."

"Have you looked in the mirror? Bus is coming! 'Ken we?"

Nodding, he wondered if he was crazy. "I'll be working, so no screaming and running in and out of the house and only if your dad knows I won't be watching you."

"I'll make sure he knows. Thanks." She smiled, and he thought for a minute she might hug him. Oddly enough, he wasn't sure it would have been so bad.

Ryan returned to the cottage and after shutting the windows, he turned on the air conditioning. Another way this cottage differed from most was because of the central air. He planned to have a beer on the deck and a swim after he finished work. Hopefully, the pool wouldn't be filled with teenagers.

He remembered it was Thursday and wasn't surprised when he heard Lana moving about. She really didn't bother him as she cleaned. He appreciated her efforts. When he arrived, he was uptight and hoped she noticed The Point had mellowed him out. Okay, so he was still a little stiff, but he was trying. He didn't resent being here, and that made it easier to live with the whole reason he had to come.

He was busy trying to work out some trades for Everett who wanted to maximize his gains. Ryan didn't ask, but he wondered if he was finally helping Isobel financially. By the time he took a break for lunch, Lana was gone. Seeing movement through the kitchen window, he looked out and saw her applying sunscreen. She wore a bikini and Ryan's first thought was Adam was a lucky man. He didn't want to know anything those two were up to, but he couldn't deny she looked good. He was thankful Adam was preventing him from being tempted by her sweet body.

When he remembered Rory was coming for a swim, he smiled. He debated warning Lana her peaceful afternoon would be interrupted. By the time he was rinsing his lunch plate, she was floating on a big ring and looked as if she was asleep. Smiling again, it was none of his concern if a bunch of teenagers woke her. He had to go back to work.

Even with the windows closed, he knew when Rory had arrived. He could hear the murmur of voices and splashing. Peering out the window, he expected to see Lana packing up. Instead, she was still on her tube but talking to the four kids in the pool. He couldn't make out their words, but he saw her laughing. Shaking his head, she surprised him at every turn. Adam would be a fool to let her slip away. Actually, he was already a fool if he was still nailing the jailbait in Boston.

Lana appeared in the door to the office. "It was nice of you to let Rory and her friends swim."

He turned to respond, but she was in her bikini so he swiveled back to his computer screen. "The kid's alright. She promised no yelling."

"I told them no wet feet inside. I just cleaned."

He nodded and pretended to be very busy until she walked away. Again he thought Adam would be a fool to screw up his relationship with Lana.

By the time he was done for the day, two of Rory's friends had left, but Jack was in the pool with the rugrat. Lana was still there talking to his brother. He changed into his own suit, grabbed three beers and stepped out on the deck.

Jack turned to him. "You done for the day?"

"Yeah, you want?" Ryan held up the beers. Jack nodded. "Lana?"


He put the bottles on the table and opened them. Taking a long pull of his own, he looked at Jack "You work half a day?"

"Nah, but I've got some more to do later after this one is in bed. Adam and I will be working most of Saturday."

Ryan nodded but noticed Jack looking at Lana when he mentioned Adam. So Jack knew they were going out. Did Jack know about the other girl? Ryan had no proof he was still seeing her, but suspected it unless Adam was texting Lana with a wicked smile.

Ryan saw a slight blush on Lana's face and thought to himself, they're definitely having sex. He wanted to tell Adam to pick one, but it wasn't Ryan's job to lecture him on how to live his life.

Ryan put his beer down and jumped in the pool making a big splash on Rory and Sam. Rory screamed and Emma laughed.

"Uncle Ryan!" Rory yelled.

"Hey kid, you were already wet."

He glanced over at Jack who looked more amused than upset and it definitely amused Lana. Emma wanted to swim again and Jack held her out. "Uncle Ryan, come get me."

When Ryan reached the edge, Jack placed her in his arms. He thought she might have been more surprised than him, but he would not give his brother more ammunition by refusing to hold his kid in the pool. He wondered if Jack knew he held the baby.

"Okay Rugrat, let's splash the kid."

"Rory!" She jumped in his arms.

Together they splash Rory and in the ruckus, Emma made her way into Rory's arms. Ryan dove under and swam the circumference of the pool before surfacing.

Lana was standing to leave. "Ryan thanks for the beer. I'll be back to swim when I have the time. I'd ask if you mind, but I don't care if you do. So you might as well get used to it."

"Wow! What d'ya do to her? Women used to love you, but now..." He felt like Jack was studying him under a microscope. "You've changed and I can't tell if it's good or bad."

"Good!" Rory chimed in. "I like the uncle."

"Thanks, kid. I like you too. Let's just say Lana and I didn't get off on the right foot, but she's alright. She can keep Adam smiling, so she's doing something right."

"She's sweet and everyone around here loves her so..."

"I know, I'll be nice. I think we're just teasing at this point."

"Teasing? It didn't sound like teasing. Still, don't go there. She's Adam's girl." Jack warned him.

"Yeah. I know. I'm the one putting up Casanova."

Lana gave it to him, but he saw a glint in her eye. He should have had a come back. He liked sparring with her.

Jack changed the subject. "Can you believe in a week, Mom and Dad will be living here for good?"

"It was a good decision. The condo is great and I think they were both tired of the city."

The news about his parents' decision to move to Maine initially surprised him. Once he thought it over he was glad Jack bought the cottage. Ryan had no interested in it, but he hated for it to leave the family.

Jack questioned him as if Jack could read his mind. "You're not mad I got the cottage?"

"What cottage?" He teased. "Oh, the one you turned into a two-story house. No, I'm glad you sold your stupid mansion. I never understood why you bought it."

"Dad, I told you I like Uncle Ryan." Rory chimed in. "Hey Uncle, will you tell your brother to let me take driver's ed?"

Ryan looked from Rory to Jack and saw the fear on his brother's face. Carefully he said, "Gosh kid, I think that's between you and him."

Ryan wanted to improve his relationship with his brother and not damage it more. There was something about The Point that made him appreciate family, maybe it was the great memories he had of his childhood.

Ryan climbed out to finish his beer and Jack jerked his chin. "So what's the deal with Adam and Lana?"

"I don't know. You'll have to ask them." Ryan answered not about to share his opinion.

"Well, at least she's a little older than the other one. I'm glad she didn't last."

Ryan just nodded.

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