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Don's POV
"I'm so sorry Nicki" I said sincerely. She looked me dead in the eyes and says "what you sorry for? You got what you wanted right". She got up and walked away. I watched her until she disappeared from my view. I sat back into the couch in shock. I felt like a complete asshole. I was so caught up in my damn feelings that I acted like I didn't give a fuck.

Deep down I knew the baby was mine but my pride wouldn't let me believe it. And my ego let me think I didn't want another child. I loved being a father and I would have loved for Alaina to be here with us.

"Don, you okay" my mom asks rubbing my shoulder. "I'm straight" I said not trying to let her know how I really felt. "I'm sorry for your loss" she says. I nod and give her a hug. I see Nicki out the corner of my eye and she has Kairi in her hands. "Hold up" I say to her.

"It's my turn with her" I say to her. She rolls her eyes. "I'm going to take her with me" she says. I try to take Kairi from her hands but she holds her tighter. "Give me my daughter. It's my weekend" I said. "Please just let me have her. I don't want to be alone" she says. "You get her all week. I only get her 2 days" I say. I reach for Kairi again and Kairi reaches towards me.

Nicki lets her come to me and I kiss Kai's cheek a few times. Nicki looks at me with tears but then walks out the front door. I sigh and take Kairi into the kitchen.

Nicki's POV
I reach my car that was parked at the end of the street. It was dark out since we had been at Don's mothers house all day after the service. I wasn't  paying attention and I was crying the entire time I walked to my car. As I sat down and closed the door I hear, "hey baby". I froze and slowly turned around.

"I missed yo sexy ass" Jayceon says. "What are you doing" I ask scared out of mind. "I came to get you baby" he says. I look at my door and contemplated running. "Don't think about it boo. I don't want to have to hurt you" he says with a sly grin. He flashes his gun at me. I close my eyes and a tear drops down my cheek. He takes his finger and wipes it away. "Don't cry baby. I don't like seeing you sad" he says.

"What do you want Jayceon" I ask trembling with fear. "You" he says. "Now don't make this hard on yourself and come get in my car" he says. I shake my head, "no. I'm not going anywhere with you" I say. He laughs and grabs his gun. "I don't think I asked" he says. He quickly grabs the back of my neck and pulls me close to him. "Get in my fucking car Nicole" he growls. I slowly open the door and get out. He gets out the back and we walk to his car.

I get in the passenger side and he gets in on his side. "Good girl" he says and then whips down the street.

He was driving fast and he snatched my phone from my hand then tosses it out the window. "It's just you and me now baby" he says rubbing my thigh. I didn't dare move but my stomach turned at his touch. We finally pull up to this house I've never seen before. "Where are we" I ask. "Home baby. This is where we will live for now" he says with a smile. "What about Kairi" I ask. He fake pouts and looks at me, "she was cute but she can stay with her wack ass daddy. I'll spare him for her since she's a sweet little girl. But me and you will make plenty more babies" he says pointing between the two of us.

"Jayceon you can't keep me here. People will come look for me" I say. He laughs in my face and gets out the car. He comes to my side and snatch's me out. He grips my arm tightly and walks me into the house. He pushes me into the bedroom and yells "take a shower and put on something comfortable". I look in the closet and there is a bunch of women's clothes in my size. I stood there for a second and just tried to process what was going on.

"Hurry the fuck up" he yells pushing me again. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I let the hot water hit and roll down my back. I gently washed myself and then rinsed off. I got out the shower and wrap a towel around my body. I look in the drawers for some pajamas. I find a t shirt and shorts. I put them on and sat down on the bed.

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