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It was Thursday. I had my last class of the week today, giving me a three day weekend for the rest of the semester.

I drove Younghyun and I to class today, after we had eaten breakfast at his place. I pulled into the student parking lot, and we grabbed our bags and headed our separate ways.

I had two classes for today. Introduction to Rhetoric, my English class, and Speech Communications.

My rhetoric class met on Tuesday and Thursdays and Speech was every Monday and Thursday. The last time I had these classes it was mostly just going over the syllabus and such, so now I'm actually gonna learn.


I went to Rhetoric, where my professor began talking about the first topic of the semester, literary devices. I sat through an hour and a half of lecture, taking notes, doodling over said notes, and occasionally checking my phone.

After English was done, I grabbed my bag and headed out. "Quiz over the syllabus on Monday!" My professor yelled as the class left.

I put my backpack straps over my shoulder and headed to the next building over to my speech class. From the class we had on Monday, my professor seemed pretty cool, so I'm hoping I like this class.

I don't consider myself to be an extrovert or introvert, more so an ambivert, so when it came to picking a seat in the auditorium like class room, I sat somewhere in the middle, not hiding in the back, but not putting myself for everyone to see in the front.

Everyone stared slowly trickling in to class, and I slowly recognized some faces from Monday's class.

But I quickly recognized a familiar face with glasses walk into class and head all the way to the back of the seating.

I turned my head, following him with my eyes.

Y/N stop you're being creepy

I faced forward again, trying to sneak a glance to the back every chance I could before class started.

My professor walked into class, with nothing but a small backpack on his shoulders. He put it down at his desk, then walked over to the center of the room to where we could all see him.

"Okay guys, if you've already forgotten my name is Timothy Alvarado. But you all can call me Tim. So, welcome to speech communications. I'm pretty sure all of you are freshmen, barely out of high school. You're in a new environment, something you're not entirely used to. College isn't like high school; it's much different. But in some ways, it's all the same." He walked back and forth in front of the class while we listened to him speak.

"For instance, I can bet you all an A for the semester that you had a class or lesson at some point in high school over something that you are never going to use again in your life. But, there were a few things you did learn, like basic algebra and literary skills.

"And college in a way, is like that. You're gonna learn some things that you'll actually use in life, and some that you'll never see once you walk off this campus.

"My point here is, I will make sure this is the class that you actually learn something from, that each and every single one of you in here, will be able to take something from what you learn here and be able to use it in your own life."

He clapped his hands together. "That being said, if any of you read the syllabus, there's gonna be plenty of group projects and you don't get to pick your partners, so you need to know everyone in this class. So let's all introduce ourselves."

A girl sitting in the front row quickly sat up straight. "Mr. Alvarado, can I go first?" She asked brightly. Her high ponytail shook as she spoke.

"It's Tim, and actually, I'm gonna do things different." His gaze looked all around the room.

"Can everyone in the back row please come to the front of class to introduce yourselves?" Tim said, beckoning them to come.

There was an audible groan from those sitting that far back as they all slowly got up and made their way to the front.

Tim walked over to his desk in the corner and let the students make a line.

"Okay," Tim said. "I want you all to say your name, age, where your from, your major, and anything else you think people should know about you."

The first guy looked to the ground. He was wearing a hoodie and dark jeans and spoke softly.

"Dude," Tim said. "I don't mean to be offensive in anyway whatsoever but I don't think the people in the back can hear you."

The guy sighed and started over, speaking a little bit louder.

Once he finished he went back to his seat and let the next guy take spotlight.

They continued to do the same thing, and a majority of them were quiet speakers, or looked like they really didn't care to be here.

Then that familiar face came up again.

Oh my god that's why he felt familiar when I saw him at the cafe I saw him Monday in class omg

The tall, pale, and skinny guy stood up straight, ready to introduce himself.

"Uh, Hi. My name's Jae Park." He said, golding his hand up as a wave, and speaking generally louder than the people that had introduced themselves before him.

"I'm 18, and I'm a political science major. I'm from Cerritos, which isn't that far from here actually. Um, I'm also minoring in music, if that's anything." He finished, walking back to his seat, walking like he was in a rush to get somewhere.

Tim smiled from his desk, like he had just witnessed a blissful moment, which confused me.

"Okay, because you guys spread yourselves out so much, can I have anyone that's not sitting in the first two rows and the last row to come up and introduce themselves," he said.

Welp, guess that's my cue.
A/N: I shamelessly promote this fic on my yk one so now I'm gonna promote my yk fic here. if you haven't read my fic "in my way" yet pls do thank u
uh other than that drink sum water and stay safe ily all
and ty for 100 reads :)
ch. 5 soon!

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