The Waiting Game

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"OK, so shall I come back to yours tomorrow to get ready?" Dianne asked as they ended their rehearsal. "I reckon we can probably finish early, too, since we've covered so much today."

Joe smiled. He felt like a proud school boy being given a gold star. The foxtrot seemed to be coming to him quite naturally and they had managed to get all of the choreography down, bar a few fine details, by the end of the first day. The two of them had been invited to the Pride of Britain Awards, along with the rest of the cast, the following evening. Although they had been on a couple of dates, this was the first time they would be stepping out in public together- in front of the press- as 'more than friends'. Even if nobody knew, it felt special. It felt exciting.

"Absolutely. Bring your stuff with you and, yeah, you can get ready at mine. That makes sense. Do... do you want to stay after, too?" Joe asked bashfully. He had been working up the courage to ask her for a couple of days. It felt like a big step, but it was the right time.

Dianne nodded, walking closer to Joe and sliding her arm around his waist. "That sounds nice" she said quietly, unsure if any of the other couples were rehearsing in the same building, "as long as you're sure?"

"I'm definitely sure." Joe nodded, knowing exactly what his answer was implying. Dianne's phone vibrated in her hand, bringing an end to their little moment. "Sorry. Car's here."

Joe nodded. "Right, well, I'll see you tomorrow then."

Dianne walked over to grab her stuff. Before reaching the door, she grinned as she felt Joe pull her towards him, into the corner where they couldn't be seen.

"I'm not saying goodbye without a kiss" he whispered.

"Then kiss me" Dianne teased.

Joe pulled her even closer, their bodies pressed together. Leaning in, he captured her lips gently. The tension seemed to spill out, both of them deepening the kiss almost immediately. Joe's hand reached up to Dianne's hair, running his fingers over her scalp as she moaned lightly at his touch. Giggling, she pulled away and wiped her lips.

"I wish I could stay and do this forever, but my Uber driver is waiting. I... I'll call you later, alright?"

Joe nodded. "Talk to you later."

The door closed, and Joe felt a huge grin spread over his face, wide to the point where it made his cheeks ache. His heart was racing in a way he had never experienced before. There was something amazingly special about this girl, about this connection. They weren't in a relationship, not yet, but they had both been honest about the fact that they had no intentions of seeing anyone else.

It was all so new for Joe; he was grateful that Dianne was being patient with him. She knew he didn't want to rush into anything, that he wanted to see how it went before they made anything 'official'. She knew he hadn't had a girlfriend as an adult, something that she found adorable for some reason. He had been shy about it at first, especially as their connection had blossomed, but Dianne was taking it all in her stride.

It was yet another reason why he was convinced that she might just be the best person he could have fallen for.


"Dianne, when I asked you to stay over I didn't mean move in." Joe teased as Dianne walked into rehearsals the next day, rolling a small suitcase behind her.

She grinned at him as he walked over to hug her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she leaned into his chest, looking up at him, as she spoke. "It's everything for tonight."

Joe's eyes widened dramatically. "What... what are you planning?"

She giggled and hit him lightly. "Behave, Joseph. It's my dress, shoes, makeup, hair stuff..."

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