john | texas fever

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| warnings : none | words : 1554 |


June. 1860, a black horse rode towards the town of Tombstone with a man in his early twenties upon the horse. he wore a white sheriff like hat with tight blue jeans and scuffed boots. as the dust cleared his horse arrived at the lawless town of Tombstone. yourself, a girl in her late teens and roaring much away from the typical women stereotype. your father being the blacksmith of the town, you had to live up to a good name for him. you had a dress which was an olive colour, long sleeved and cut to fit your shape the same in a dark yellow and navy blue. you kept a pair of overalls in a cabinet under your bed, along with a flannel blouse and jeans, one of fathers shimming gold belts lay with it. you stepped outside from the blacksmiths into the blazing heat, the navy dress swept along the dust covered ground as he approached through the town and towards the sheriffs. a small boy and girl ran past you, not looking for the horse and were going to collide with it, you ran after them, pushing them out the way of the horse but tripping over your long dress and landing in front of the black beauty. as it reared up, scared out of its skin, the man brought her back calm before he glared down at you from upon his horse

"what on earth are you thinking!" he huffed

"what does it look like genius?" you fired back grabbing your skirt and flapping the dirt off

"get out of my way lady" his green eyes gave you a look of hellish feelings that were some what indescribable

"look at that, not everyday you see a horse with two rear ends!" your stormed back to the blacksmith and slammed the door

the next days, the man who entered your town was called john polidori. he was the new sheriff of Tombstone and you knew this was gonna be fun to watch. not a single sheriff had changed Tombstone since its origin. it had always been rough and lawless. he was one of the 'populars' of the town. loved by everyone, but you took a dislike to him. his black hair and green eyes make you feel uneasy and vile. the women in Tombstone had already started to flock for the new 'hot' sheriff. you didn't see what they saw in him that considered him hot. you and your father went into the saloon he 'worked' at. in the saloons him and his little posse were corrupt. they only arrested to people they wanted, they let things slip. he spent his hard earned cash on alcohol and on the women which you never understood why a man would do that. most of the time you were kept inside your home, the town labelled you as a danger to the town and vicious, all because you didn't like the idea of sitting around and following a crowd. two weeks had passed by and you'd had enough, early morning woke you to a sunrise, you got up and heard your father walking around. he was the only person who understood you and your views. you had a horse of your own, a white stallion stood in a stable behind your home. you got up and instead of grabbing a dress to wear, to took the stuff out your cabinet, staring intensely at them before your father burst in.

"are you alright?" he asked

"i'm going, i need an escape for a couple hours. i'm going to take the horse but i'm not riding in my dress  father" you sighed out of frustration

"ok" he thought before going to his room

"boots, hat, wrangler, pistol, lasso" you rested your head in your palm before you father came back with a box

"i think you'll need these, i've been saving them for you, i think now if the perfect time to give them you" he smiled placing it down before leaving and going to heat up the oven for work.

in the box, lay a matte black classic sheriff hat, black custom sheriff cut boots with small metal razor gears on the back. in the bottom lay a black cased pistol and ammo attached to a wrangler which fitted to your waist. a lasso lay hung under all the things as well as a packet of cigarettes. you smiled and started to pull on the tight navy jeans with the shiny gold belt tucking in your white and black flannel shirt
and adjusting the wrangler. you took the cigarettes and put them in your front jean pocket. looping your lasso around your waist. you walked out placing the hat on your hair which had been left and turned to natural curls. you walked through the back to the stable and put on the reigns.

"alright bud" you jumped on the back swinging your legs over

"let's go for a ride out" you trotted through to the town, empty as could be.

a few men were hanging around as john leaned out his window, you started to gallop out the town and up to the Plains mountains on a beautiful day. you held you hat as you rode letting the wind take your hair. you had been out a good couple hours before you found lake Jordan, you stopped and rested for a nice and calm hour as your horse refreshed from it's thirst. you got back up and started to ride back, you saw the town was now full with people running around and walking to destinations. there was a light mist of dust and low cloud, mixed into a fog in the town that it covered you and your white stallion very well. just before you got into the town you lighted a cigarette and left it hanging out your mouth. you slowed down as you saw john and his posse taking to all the love-struck women. you stood stationary as the fog cleared. your horse started to walk in to town as people gathered around. you heard gasps and mumbling all around you as your father smiled with a look that said "give it to them" you blew the smoke out your mouth as john stepped forwards winking to his lady audience. you faced them only about a metre apart. you jumped down from your horse. heels hitting the floor and the clunk of metal. you grabbed your hat removing the cigarette hung from your mouth and blowing out the smoke.

"you don't want any trouble from us" one of the men spoke

"oh yeah? you don't know me" you tapped the cigarette as the ash fell

"i'd watch it if i was you" another man said

"if you were me, you wouldn't care" you huffed pushing the hat down

"don't wanna embarrass yourself in front of all these people" john side sheriff spoke to you taking a step forward

"you're the ones embarrassing yourself" you laughed taking another drag on your cigarette before it felt silent

"mr tough sheriff not gonna say anything?" you mocked kicking your heel up so the razor was visible

"who are you?" he walked forward and got in your face

"if i must" you blew smoke in his face before removing your hat and dropping it to your side

"good god!" one of the men shouted as the audience gathered gasped

"this is outrageous!" johns side man shook his head

"your a girl!?" john looked at you shocked

"yeah, really gotcha there didn't i?" you grinned stubbing your cigarette out on his tough leather shoulder pads

"your insane! thinking you can be one of us" one of the men shouted getting closer to you all

"pah-lease, i could beat you girls in a gun fight any day" you laughed

"any day?" john grinned

"you heard it genius" you smiled

"it's you! the women from the first day i got here!" he shrieked

"well done jimbo!" you clapped sarcastically

"don't move" he said and in an instant, he had a gun pointed at you as well as his posse

"and whatcha gonna do shoot me?" you looked him dead in his green eyes as you felt the piercing colours of yours make him sweat uncomfortably

"go on john!" his men worshipped him again as he paused looking away and then looking back at you, then at the floor next to him.

"i, i can't" he lowered the gun as everyone gasped, he looked at your eyes, holding out his custom silver pistol with his name in gold carved into it

"here, fair is fair, you've earned my trust" he took off his hat and swept back his hair and the others took off their hats

you took a moment, before pushing the gun back to his chest and taking a breath

"keep your gun, your respect is good enough for me" you smiled taking off your hat to him and then placing it back on

you grabbed your horse and led him round to the stables. before you left out of the range of hearing people, you heard john speak to his members

"and i had no idea she was a lady" he smiled as his men looked confused but entered into the saloon after him for duty


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