Chapter 9:- Ice palace

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Though hiccup may have gotten used to the cold, he was cold through his black armor. And wondered how anna and kristoff were able to keep going, as he knew their clothing was not as adapted for the cold as his was. Hiccup got over the fact that he was traveling with a princess, a schizophrenic guy with his reindeer and a talking snowman long ago, so his thoughts wandered back to Elsa, How could she possibly feel right like now? Her kingdom was covered in ice and snow and it was her own doing. She must feel terrible. But us much as he tried, he just couldn't shake off the thought, if Elsa had the power to create this winter, why didn't she remove it? In fact, why did she create it in the first place?

Sure, he saw how panicked she was when she first revealed her powers by creating that massive icy spike wall back wall back in the ballroom, but surely that was just a little slip up and it was nothing compared to this winter. Hiccup couldn't imagine Elsa intentionally damning her kingdom to this. He just couldn't figure this one out

Maybe I could  ask Anna, he thought. After all, she knows Elsa more than anyone. But on a second a thought, she cant really know anything more than we already do. She was just as
.confused and shocked about this whole thing as any of us

Hiccup: I don't know. I'm confused!" hiccup realized that he just said that out loud. That shocked him. He was so used to having Toothless around himself. And he wasn't used to walking so much either. Omg, did he miss Toothless. And flying too. If the dragon was around, he would have had this ordeal over with already. He could have just flown to mountain and he would with Hiccup this was never that simple.

Olaf: What's wrong, Hiccup?" hiccup was a little hesitant to start a conversation with him. Olaf, as kind as he was, did not seem like a easy person to talk to. Hiccup doubted that the small creature would understand, but it's not like he had anyone else to share his problems with. Kristoff and Anna were busy chatting with each other, and the reindeer like a great listener, but
.Hiccup would have preferred some one who can actually talk back. With a sigh, he began

Hiccup: Well, Olaf. this day has been a very rough one. and that is putting it mildly. Nothing seems to work in my favour today. I got close to a wonderful woman and the entire kingdom froze, I could have reached her on a much easier and shorter way, but the gods above once again decided that it wasn't how it's supposed to go. And now I gotta to climb a mountain to reach the one person who can solve this mess."

Anna having evaspropped on their conversation reassured him that.

".Anna: Don't worry, Hiccup. We'll find Elsa and bring back the summer

Hiccup: I hope so...!" He nodded at her as a sigh of thanks before she returned to her
.conversation with Kristoff

Olaf: Well, maybe this is how it must be!" he cheerful shouted. Hiccup looked confused

?Hiccup: What do you mean

Olaf: Well, think about it, if you would have taken that shorter path, you never would have met
us and you wouldn't be here with us on this journey"! the snowman exclaimed cheerfully. Hiccup rolled his eyes

Olaf: Also, if you would have gotten to Elsa by now, wouldn't that have been a little boring?" Hiccup looked at Olaf in confusion.

'Hiccup: Boring? Hold on, what do you mean 'boring

Olaf: Well, if the story of how you rescued your love!" Hiccup turned scarlet red, but before he
.could protest, the snowman continued

Olaf: From the mountain was to be written by someone, you rescuing Elsa so easily wouldn't
.entertain anybody, would it?" Hiccup acknowledge that was truth

.Hiccup: The rest of my life would be able to do that, should it be written." he deadpanned

".Olaf: Well, I guess having a snow Queen for a wife would definitely be something

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