Chapter 8:- Freeze fest

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As they shuffled along is the snow, Hiccup saw anna look sadly over the cliff, As he looked in her
.direction he felt a pang of guilt as well

Anna: Arendelle..." She whispered

Kristoff: It's completely frozen
He completed her as he noticed what they looking at. All those people were freezing their  butt
off and hiccup and anna hand't even found elsa yet. He had to hurry. Looking at the concern on
.kristoff's face, Anna reassured them

"Anna: Don't worry... Elsa will thaw that... now come on
She said as she pulled both of them towards the pathway. She looked she looked at kristoff and
.inquired positively

.Anna: This way to the North Mountain?"as she pointed forward. he let out a small chuckle

Kristoff: More like... this way." he said as hey pushed her arm higher towards a cold mountain
.looming in the distance

The group was moving through the snow covered forest and according to what kristoff said, they were getting closer the North Mountain. Hiccup and Anna was were walked before Kristoff and his loyal reindeer, Sven, Though the winter wonderland was indeed beautiful, Hiccup saw enough winter back at Berk and he looked at Anna, maybe to start a conversation or something, but he was surprised to see that you young princess was staring everywhere in wonder and awe.
.it was like she never saw winter before

?Hiccup: Hey! Are you alright
Anna just nodded with a smile 

Anna: Yeah it's just... I never knew winter could be this beautiful." She confessed. Hiccup raised
.an eyebrow

Hiccup: You've never seen winter before?" Anna frowned

Anna: Never like this. I just watched the falling snowflakes and the frozen fjords from the windows of the castle. I never knew actual winter at all." She said sadly. All of a sudden, Hiccup was reminded to his conversation with Elsa in the castle gardens. the way she said she never really went anywhere outside the castle. Though, this may have been a touchy subject,
.Hiccup decided to risk asking it.

Hiccup: You've. Uh... never been outside the castle?" And to his biggest regret, he saw Anna's
.features sadden

Anna: Not really. When i was like... six years old, my parents, may their souls rest in peace", looked down the palace. I was never allowed outside and Elsa shut herself in a room and. I never
.knew why." She confessed. Hiccup felt horrible for making Anna reveal this

 .Hiccup: Well. I guess we know now."  trying to lighten the mood, Anna smiled slightly

Anna: Yes." She sighed

"...Kristoff: Whoah
Hiccup heard kristoff whisper. Looking up, he could see the reason why they were are anthralled. Dew drops seems to have been frozen midway, hanging from the tree branches. They sparkled all around them reflecting light in many directions. Hiccup looked on as kristoff ran his fingers through them, causing them to strike each other softly giving off a soothing sound like wind chimes." 

Anna: I never knew winter could be so... beautiful. .." Anna mumbled as her eyes widened in
I know right." A voice exclaimed cheerfully. Kristoff and Anna turned and looked at Hiccup ,
.Slightly confused. He shared their confusion as he shrugged and looked around for the source

Hiccup: I didn't say that." Hiccup defended herself. Before Anna could reply, the cheerful voice
.spoke again. It sounded like  it came from the distance

Isn't this snow just great?" The three started to look for the source of the voice, but found no one. Yet the talk continued. "You know, I would like to see it in some different colors. I'm thinking maybe some Crimson, Chartreuse. How about yellow? Oh wait! what am i saying?
."Yellow and snow? Uhggghgh. No go

(Frozen & HTTYD3) Hiccelsa - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now