Together Forever

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Author's note: I'm figuring out how to use Twitter. My username is masonfitzzy


Jared was holding onto my wrists with his sweaty hands. I watched Gabe draw up the liquid from the vial and flick the bubbles out of the syringe. I bit down on the inside of my cheeks as he walked closer to the bed.

"Take her clothes off, Jared," Gabe said.

"No!" I ripped my hands out of his grip.

"Leah, you're on thin ice," Gabe said. "I would watch your mouth or you'll be down in the basement."


"We're trying to help you, Leah," Gabe cut me off. "Now, take her clothes off, Jared."

Jared got up off of his knees. He reached out for my shirt and I slapped his hand away. He let out a huff of breath. He grabbed the hem of my shirt. I balled up my fist and hit him in the chest.

"Behave, Leah," Gabe said. "I won't hesitate to bring you back down to the basement."

I squeezed my eyes shut. I dug my nails into my palms to control myself from hitting Jared. He grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head. Goosebumps spread across my skin. I knew if I fought back they would tear my clothes off and restrain me to a pole in the basement.

My eyes stayed shut as Jared put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me down onto the bed. His fingers fumbled with the button on my jeans. I held onto my breath as he removed my pants.

I opened my eyes when another hand grabbed my bare thigh. There was a sharp pinch as the needle pierced my skin. I watched as he injected me with something that was going to turn me into a helpless mess.

"That should take an effect in a few minutes," Gabe told Jared. "I'll give you the rest of the supplies. I won't be needing them for Theo's girl anymore."

"Thanks," Jared said. "It will be nice to have her calm."

"This will remind her of how much she needs you," Gabe said.

My eyelids were growing heavy. It felt as if led was seeping into my bones and anchoring me down to the bed. I tried to prop myself up on my elbow, but my muscles did not have enough strength. I crumpled down onto the bed. Jared chuckled and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Get her settled down," Gabe said. "When you're done come help me with Theo. Mom can keep an eye on her for you."

"Thanks," Jared said. "I will be outside soon."

Gabe nodded his head and left the room. I tried to shimmy my way to the edge of the bed, but I did not move far. Jared undid my bra and pulled down my underwear. I tried to protest, but only a faint noise came out of my mouth. He lifted the blankets and covered my naked body. Jared tucked me in and sat on the edge of the bed. He opened up the nightstand drawer and dropped a coil of rope onto the bed.

"Are you going to be a good girl?" he asked. "I don't want to have to tie you to the bed."

"Yes," I said.

"I'm glad to hear that."

I closed my eyes and rolled my head to the side. My body was succumbing to whatever Gabe injected into my thigh. Jared ran one of his calloused fingers across my collar bone. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. He took the glasses off of my face.

"I can't wait to come back inside," Jared said. "I love taking care of you. That's all I ever want to do."

I moaned before closing my eyes. Jared kissed my cheek again. The mattress shifted as Jared stood up.

"I love you, Leah," he said.

I could no longer keep my eyes open, and I drifted off to sleep.


"Leah." Someone shook my shoulder. "Leah, wake up."

I opened my eyes slowly. A light over top of me burned my eyes. My head throbbed and my mouth was dry. A blurry figure blocked the light. I squinted to see that it was Jared. His lips were lifted into a big smile. He was not wearing his baseball cap, and he did not have a shirt on. His hair was wet. His shoulder was no longer bandaged, but he had a thick jagged scab.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

I licked my dry lips before trying to speak. Only a small groan came out. Jared leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Come on," he said. "I have a bath ready for you."

He pulled back the blankets and scooped me up in his arms. My head rested against his chest. I struggled to keep my eyes open as Jared walked into the bathroom. He gently placed me down in the hot soapy water. The water felt heavenly against my aching muscles. Jared sat on the edge of the tub.

"I found the key," he said. "I wouldn't believe that you are the type to steal from the dead."

I thought about the pile of stuff in the barn. They survive by robbing the dead.

Maybe I was not so different from this family.

I let out a deep breath and tilted my head back so that it was resting against the tiles surrounding the tub.

"You're never leaving here," he said. "When I can trust you again you can come outside with me. For now you have to stay safe in the house."

They are never going to trust me again, I thought.

I really messed up. I should have waited until it was night to try and escape. I ruined my chance and I was not going to have another opportunity. Jared and his family would be on high alert.

"I'm always going to protect you," Jared said. "I'm the only one who loves you and is going to keep you safe."

"Please," my hoarse voice said.

Jared smirked before swirling his finger in the warm water.

"What is it, beautiful?" he asked.

I shook my head, and the pain spread across my skull. My throat burned and I could not get any more words out. Jared dropped a face cloth into the water and washed my arm. I pulled my arms up to cover my chest. He grabbed my wrist and pulled it towards himself.

"Don't," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I have to sweetheart," he said. "I need to take care of you."

I fell back into unconsciousness. When I woke back up, Jared was lifting me out of the water. He put my feet down onto the floor, but had his arm wrapped tight around my waist to keep me against his body. My knees wobbled, and I would have fell if it were not for Jared's arm. He wrapped a towel around my body before lifting me off of the ground again.

He carried me back into the bedroom and set me down onto the bed. He climbed into the bed on top of me. My heart pounded in my chest as his eyes scanned down my body. He propped himself up on one elbow so that he was not crushing me. He twisted a piece of my hair around his finger.

"I am so happy to have you as my wife," he said. "I can't wait until we have a son."

I took in a sharp breath. The thought of having children with Jared caused my stomach twist into a knot. Jared would force himself on me until I was pregnant. I would have to carry something with evil genes inside of me.

Jared kissed my neck and let his lips trail down to my collar bone. My hands shook as I lifted them up and pressed them against Jared's chest. He chuckled as he grabbed my one hand. He spun my wedding ring around my finger before lifting it up to his lips. He removed the towel from my body with his free hand. His hand travelled down my body.

I kept my eyes closed as Jared assaulted my body in his pursuit of having children. 

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