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Author's note: Wattpad kept crashing on my computer so I am going to try and post it with my phone. Sorry if it is formatted a little differently!
    The gauze was beginning to unravel around my arm as I pulled against the ropes. My wrists ached, and the slashes burned as I twisted my body around. Blood oozed out of my gashes and onto the gauze.

    Jared had left the room a couple of hours ago. No one else came back into the room, but I listened as Lindsay moved around in the kitchen.

    I stopped moving when I heard the kitchen door slam close. A male voice talked to Lindsay, but it was muffled and I could not make out a word that was being said. My heart pounded as I listened to them walk up the stairs as they spoke.

    The door opened, and Gabe and Lindsay were in the doorway. Lindsay a pile of white fabric and lace in her arms.

    “Leah, I see you’re already causing Jared trouble,” Gabe said.

He came to the end of the bed. I bit down on my bottom lip as Gabe untied the knots in the rope. I held my sore wrists to my chest. Gabe grabbed my arm and pulled me up so that I was sitting. He sat on the edge of the bed. I brought my knees up to chest and wrapped my arms around myself. Lindsay stood behind Gabe, and I could see that it was a wedding dress she had bundled up in her arms.

“It’s time we get you ready,” Gabe said.

“Please,” I begged. “Please, don’t do this.”

“We’re going to have a good time,” he said. “Jared has been very excited for this. We can’t disappoint him.”

“I can’t get married. I’m too young.”

“You’re an eighteen-year-old girl. It is a good time for you to get married.”

Gabe got up off of the bed. I flinched when he put his hand on top of my head. At an antagonizing slow pace, he slid his hand down my hair.

“Are you going to behave for Lindsay?” he asked. “I don’t want to have to hold you down while she helps you get ready.”

I nodded my head, and it shook his hand off of me. I didn’t want to do this, but having Gabe hold me down while Lindsay takes my clothes off my body would somehow make this worse.

“Good to hear,” he said. He wrapped his arm around Lindsay’s shoulders and kissed her cheek. “If she is giving you a hard time just call me up.”

“I will,” Lindsay said.

She gave him a kiss before he left the room. She set the wedding dress down on the foot of the bed. She ran her fingers along the yellowing lace.

“I remember when I wore this,” she said. “I was so nervous, just like you. I cried so much. Looking back at it, I feel so dumb.”

“Lindsay, you’ve got to help me,” I said. “I need to get home.”

“You are home, Leah,” she said. “I understand that this is all so new and scary, but we love you. We love you more than your birth family ever did.”

“Can’t you see they have brainwashed you?”

Lindsay let out a deep breath and closed her eyes.

“We need to start getting you ready,” she said. “I don’t want to have to call Gabe up here. Can you put this dress on? I can do the zipper for you.”

I let out a deep breath and got up off of the bed. Lindsay smiled, and unzipped the dress. My fingers shook as I reached for the hem of my shirt. I pulled it up over my head, and removed my jeans. Lindsay held out the dress, and I stepped into it.

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