Chapter Two

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I glare at the water and food bowls laid out before me where there was mashed up bacon and eggs. I should be feeling some type of way about this, instead I'm just viewing the experience as something new. Besides my "owners" weren't too cruel. Right now, I could be sitting in some jail cell. My life ruined.

Today was day one of my training. "You will eat on your hands and knees with your pretty little ass in the air," Ace told me. There was a cane in his hand for administering discipline. My masters sat at the kitchen's breakfast bar while I was on the floor waiting for their command.

Ace places the cane at the base of my spine, tapping me gently. Obeying, I arch my spine more raising my ass higher in the air.

Nero's dark chuckle sends a chill across my skin. "Look at her. She's wet." Yeah. I am. With all the shit they keep putting me through I better be getting some dick out of this.

"You may eat, pet." I obey, rolling my hips making my ass jiggle invitingly as I chow down on my breakfast. If I must suffer so will they.

Ace groans.

Then I feel the cane at my entrance sliding up and down my wet slit. "Mmm, such a good girl, obeying her masters. What do you say, Nero? You think she's ready to be broken in?" Yes, please. My body practically begs for it. "And you pet? Are you ready for two cocks?"

Now they're speaking my language.

"After the supply run," Nero says. "We need to accommodate our pet's needs first."

I groan.

I want it now.


I sit cross legged on a little mat at Ace's feet while Frozen plays on the 72-inch flat screen. First it was the stuffed animals now this shit. What do they think? I'm a fucking five-year-old.

"Um, master, can we watch something else?"

He types away on his laptop. "I so happen to enjoy this movie."

I look up at him sideways with my brows drawn down. "You serious?"

"Very." This hard man enjoys Disney movies. I just can't wrap my head around it.

Twenty minutes later

I begin to fiddle pulling lent from the little plush carpet. Humming the songs under my breath. What can I say? The songs were catchy. I was getting bored out of my skull. I look up at Ace once more as he continues to work. I take in his appearance.

Why is he dressed like that- in a full suit? He ain't going nowhere. My old psychology professor had a theory: people who dressed up all the time had the most psychological issues. They thought accessorizing and wearing nice clothes kept them together. At first, I didn't believe it, but here and now maybe my professor was on to something.

"What, pet?" he catches me staring.

"Why are you both keeping me like this?"

Ace sighs and stops typing on his laptop. "Because of a fucking kitten."


"There was this stray kitten my brother found. It was darker than midnight with a unique gray stripe on it's back. Nero took it home and cared for it. He was so devoted to the little fucking thing... and when it died, he was heartbroken." He cringes at the fact his brother had an emotional attachment to a kitten. Weird. "Never did get over the kitten's death." He sounded irritated. "I was more surprised by the fact that cold motherfucker could love which is saying something..."

Ace's huge hand touches the thick dark curls of my hair, tugging on the gray strand. I had a rare condition called heterochromia that caused discoloration in my hair. I was always the center of attention because of it- coupled with my light amber eyes. Stella used to say I look like Halle Berry in X-Men while Kim would say it looked as if I've been shocked to death. "That's right, pet. You remind him of that fucking kitten." I don't know rather to be creeped out or... to be even more creeped out.

Darkest Obsession{A Ménage Romance}18+ (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now