Chapter One

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I run my fingers over my neck feeling the fabric of my collar staring at my reflection. How did my life resort to this? I’m someone’s human pet and happy about it too. My masters have turned me into the best version of myself. I’m both strong and lethal. I have become death walking. I run my tongue over my teeth as my target comes out from the restroom stall approaching the sink.

Heather Meadows.

She’s a nosey reporter bitch in her mid-fifties with a target on her back. I have a ring on my finger. A sign of my master’s love and devotion to their pet (a ring I’ve gone through hell to earn!). The ring holds a serum that once delivered into the blood stream it will go straight to the heart and cause a cardiac arrest. Today I’m supposed to make it look like Ms. Meadows died of natural causes. I plaster on a friendly smile. “Are you Ms. Heather Meadows?”

The middle-aged woman takes in my ripped jeans and knitted pink sweater and the scarf that hides the fact I’m owned. I look like a college student. A non-threatening college student. “Who’s asking?”

“I’m Simone Williams,” I extend my hand. She takes it. The ring pokes her hand. It won’t be long now. “I just wanted to say I really admire your work. You see, I plan to become a journalist myself and…” I blabber on and on while the serum takes effect. I smile as she drops to the floor.

“This isn’t personal, Heather. It’s just business,” I inform her and leave.

“Bummer,” I tell two college girls approaching the restroom. “Its out of order.” A ploy to make sure no one finds her right away. I push my hat down over my brow and leave the restaurant.

Someone grabs me from behind and pulls me into the nearby alley. I pretend as if we’re lovers and go compliant within their arms as not to cause a scene. I wait until we’re in the cover of the alley to make my move. I bare all my weight down forcing the stranger to drop me then I bring my elbow up and smash it into their nose. They block just in time before I can drive their nose up into their brain, delivering the killing move. They grab me again. “Breanna, relax. Stella sent me.”

I freeze and spin out of their hold. He let’s me. I come face to face with a gigantic Viking (cause really that’s the only way to describe him). Oh, and he’s beautiful for a man with gleaming blond hair that looks as if it was spun from silk (what kind of shampoo does he use cause seriously  I’m jealous?) which is a contrast to his rugged attire, scuffed biker boots and ripped jeans that fit like a wet dream. Yeah, this guy was distracting but better yet how does he know my big sis? He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a phone. “Here.”

He tosses it in my direction…

Inwardly I'm shocked but keep a damn good poker face. On his lock screen there’s a beautiful picture of my sis with this stranger kissing her. She’s happy and glowing and there’s a wedding band on her finger. “How did you find me?”

“I have my ways,” he informs me in that deep growly voice of his. “Come back with me. This life isn’t for you.” He means I was once a college student with a bright future.

Fuck. That.

“I can’t go back,” I whisper. “My masters will be angry if I leave them.” Mr. Viking gives a long-suffering sigh. He knows what Stella doesn’t know nor would she understand.

I’m too far gone.

I know the moment when he considers just taking me but thinks better of it knowing who I belong to. He sighs again. “if you ever want to get out, just call.” And like Ghostbusters he never gives a fucking number. I watch as he strides out of the alley.  Taking in his leather and Jean clad six-foot plus frame, I would have never guessed blond, big, and muscular white men were Stella's type. She usually went for polished men in suits.

“You just saved his life,” my master speaks from the shadows. Stealth is his strong suit. My body comes alive and my heartbeat accelerates. “You did well, pet. As usual.”  I turn and stare up into stormy enigmatic eyes. I’m instantly spellbound.

“You trained me well, Master.”

The corners of his sinful lips quirk up. “I’m looking forward to rewarding you.” He places those lips to my ear. “Good obedient girls get their pussy licked.” I shiver knowing full well what those lips and tongue are capable of.

Endless orgasms.

2 years ago…
Disfigured faces become more and more monstrous as the minutes tick by. The music thumps through the speakers. A dark and sensual beat plays. Monsters grind against one another. The heat of the place scorches my skin forcing me to remove my clothes. I try to slip off my black dress, but black talons reach for me hindering my advances. “Not here, hun. Save that shit for later. You said you were going to let the guys hit.” I smile and nod.

The talons pull me closer. “I’ve been waiting so long for this. You’re going to make me so much money off this pussy, aren’t you girl.” I smile and nod again.

A dark figure materializes in front of me, but no one pays her any mind. “This is fun, love,” she says dancing hypnotically to the beat. “You should let me come out and play more often. But I know you’re not gonna let him spoil our night.”

“Spoil our night,” I repeat in a whisper.

“Damn Vick, whatever you gave this bitch has her high as hell,” one monster says.

“She’ll be more compliant. Its better to intoxicate them than to beat ‘em.”

The monsters laugh. “You’re one sick fuck.”

“One rich sick fuck.” They all laugh. “Come on, Doll Face.  I need to sample the goods first.” Black talons pull me towards a flight of steps.

“Yes,” says the dark figure. “Let the real fun begin.”
Its everywhere. On my clothes. In my hair. On the walls. Marring the sheets on the bed. Vick lies next to me. Eyes staring up at the ceiling vacantly. My mind can’t seem to differentiate the fact this is reality and not a nightmare. My body begins to shake, a scream rises up in my throat when…

“Well, hello,” a deep and cultured voice greets me, the sound is more soothing than morning coffee. I freeze, my mouth wide open as I discover two mysterious men dressed in black suits. One standing while the other sits on the edge of the bed. I don’t know how I know but I sense these men are the kind of people you don’t want knocking at your door- figuratively speaking cause clearly they don’t knock.

“Baby, when your friends told you to slay, they didn’t mean literally.” They were seriously making a joke about this? I look beyond the two men to discover more bodies litter the hallway. I just sit there paralyzed by shock.

“No…” I feel all the air leave me like a punch to the gut.

“Yes... Someone partied way too hard last night.”

“W-who the fuck are you people?”

“Your get-out-of-jail free card.” They give me their business card that actually reads ‘the Novak brothers’ get-out-of-jail free card’ with a phone number. At the bottom in fine print it says ‘we do not dissolve unpaid child support. PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT!!!  Who else supposed to pay for these kids?’ Like no lie that’s what it said.

“Ace, get a hold of Charlie. Tell him we'll be needing his services this morning.” This was a set up. It just had to be. No way was I capable of this. Was I? Fuck, I dunno. Whatever these men are I’m just grateful they take charge of the situation ‘cause clearly I wouldn’t know what to fucking do.

They make me clean up in the shower. I’m still in shock, washing my skin on autopilot.  The two men put my blood-soaked clothes in a bag and hand me new ones that fit. Only later would I question how overly prepared they were.

A dozen vehicles pull into the long driveway outside. A group of hard and brawny looking men get out of vans. They've come to clean up the carnage. Men who were the illegal versions of a coroner for the underground world of crime. They make all evidence of anyone being here disappear.  "Ace, Nero, it’s always a pleasure doing business with you,” Charlie says as he steps through the double doors approaching the two men in black suits. “I’ll send you my bill.”

“Thank you, guys,” I whisper with sincerity as tears flow down my cheeks. They both look down at me with similar amused glances.

“You think we did this for you cause we're nice men?” Nero chuckles darkly at my naivete.

“You will repay us." I owed them my life to be honest. They came to my rescue. So, I don’t fight as they lead me out of Vick's mansion and into a black SUV. Who are these men and why they came to my rescue was the mystery here?

We ride silently. Me, observing them. What were they going to do with me? How were they going to make me repay them? I don’t have any money. I live off student loans and grants along with the little bit of money daddy sends me every now and then.

Daddy. Shit. Though he was the chief of police, I knew this was something even he wouldn’t be able to get me out of.

I began to fidget, staring down at my hands. I’m more than a little nervous. I’m fucking on edge. I look up and my gaze collides with a stormy one. Large fingers run along his bottom lip as he takes my measure. I feel like cornered prey. They're identical twins, my new “bosses". Their presence saturates the car barely leaving room for me to breathe, all this masculinity.

“I’m Nero,” he says after a moment. “This”- he gestures to his brother- “is Ace.” It was subtle but I could sense the difference between both brothers on a cellular level. I just had to figure out what that difference was.

“Is Ace your real name?”

“No. Our mother named him something much more feminine.” Ace shoots him a murderous glance and Nero throws his hands up laughing. So, they bicker like normal siblings.


“First line of questioning…” Ace quickly changes the subject. “Why would a girl like you want to prostitute herself? Money’s that tight?”

“No, Vick and I were dating. He got me high. I usually never do drugs, but that night Vick was more insistent than usual...  My mom was an addict and I was afraid of becoming like her. The drugs did something to me.  Made me see things. Want to do things I normally wouldn’t, and I think I acted upon them..." Both men go silent at my admission giving one another a glance I couldn’t fathom.

“You didn’t kill those people, high or not-

“Thank, God.” I’m so relieved I nearly burst into tears.

“I didn’t say you don’t have blood on your hands.”

I go still. “What do you mean?”

“What my brother is trying to say, Freda Krueger"- I bet he couldn’t wait to throw that in- “is that you stabbed the shit out of that motherfucker like eighteen times,” Nero provides. There was pride in his voice.


“Eighteen times?” I squeak in horror.  No there must have been some mistake.  It wasn’t me… and I sound like every guilty criminal that ever walked this earth. “Wait… what happened to the others?” Nero gives a predatory smile. At first, I thought they were just cold ruthless businessmen, but I see those suits were a cover for the savages beneath. They lived for this type of shit. “You’re fucking lying.  I didn’t kill nobody.”

Ace's eyes grew cold. “My brother may be many things, but a liar isn’t one of them. We did more than just clean up your sloppy murder scene, we saved you from Vick’s goons.”  Goons? Do bad guys even use that term anymore? O-kay… so I struck a nerve.

“I said I’m grateful for your help-

“Oh, I think Buffy the pimp slayer has some acceptance issues.  You’re a little killer.  Welcome to the club.” Now the difference between the twins was much more distinct. Nero was a mocking asshole while Ace was just a cold asshole.

I don’t say another word for the rest of the ride, brooding. Acceptance issues my ass. I could tell they weren’t going to be easy men to get along with. They weren’t very likable, definitely pulling off the whole hot asshole appeal.


Something changes between us in that very long car ride. Maybe its in the way both brothers keep looking at me. They want me and not in the way most men want me. Most guys just wanted to fuck me but Ace and Nero… with these men it was something much baser and more primal. Its disconcerting. Shit I’m not even ready for at my tender age of twenty.

We drive for what feels like hours from L.A. to the county of Big Bear. A large and very private cabin comes into view. It sits on top of a snow-covered hill. It’s so breathtaking that I stare for a moment. Nero follows my gaze and says, “Welcome home.” Their driver who’s been silent all this time pulls into the long driveway before coming to a stop.

Ace and Nero gaze up at each other over my head and smirk. Then both men turn their amused scrutiny on me, and I know they're enjoying some inside joke. I want to yell what the fuck is so funny! But I dare not. I just pretend to be meek and stare down at my hands and fiddle, plucking at the invisible lent on my Pink Nation workout pants.

Nero fists a possessive hand in my hair, tightening his grip before crushing his mouth against mine. He sucks my bottom lip as he runs his tongue across it. I feel Ace squeeze my breast, while he bites and sucks on my neck. I’m so turned on my hips began to move trying to find some friction. So suddenly their hands and mouth are gone from my body and I’m left cold. They both sit back watching me with smirks on their beautiful symmetrical faces. “Master,” Nero says.

“What…” I’m breathless. Didn’t know a kiss could be so all consuming.

“You will address us as your Masters.” And so, it begins. My sweet descent into hell. Up until now they haven’t revealed their plans for me. I know that’s getting ready to be rectified.

I close my eyes and breathe in through my nose and out of my mouth. “Masters,” I say addressing them both. It feels so fucking right even though its so fucking wrong. But that’s the thing about feelings they're confusing little fuckers.

“Come, let’s get you inside.”

The cabin is luxurious and so fucking warm.  The foyer opens to a gigantic living room with a prepossessing fireplace and to a kitchen that’s every gourmet chef’s dream.  I’m so engrossed in my surroundings; I barely register Nero's question. “What type of products do you use for your hair and body?” my hand instantly goes up to the once straight strands that now resembles a raccoon's nest. Don’t judge. I didn’t have a brush or comb.

“Um… I use T-TREE shampoo and conditioner. Things like coconut oil would be great and a hair straightener.”

“For that time of the month, tampons or pads?” he asks casually like were discussing the weather. My cheeks heat up. I’m so embarrassed.

“Tampons,” I whisper.

“Got it,” he responds. “I’ll make the supply run later,” he says to Ace and to me he says, “Get on your knees, pet.” I’m so startled and shocked by his cold tone of voice I just stand there until Ace presses a hand to the back of my neck and forces me down.

“When we say, “get on your knees” you'll obey right away or face getting your ass caned.” I wince. Canes fucking hurt. “This is how life is going to be for you, Breanna, so get used to it.” I don’t question how they know my name. Nor do I question why they sought me, but I thank whatever twisted deity for sending me these men.

All I know is adaptability is survivability.

“Get out of those fucking clothes,” Nero barks. I instantly pull the shirt up over my head and slide the pants down my legs and throw it to the side, exposing my breast to them and lacy panties.

“Now the panties…” my gaze snaps up to discover both brothers gazing at me. The look on their faces sends my heart into overdrive. I feel like a piece of meat thrown in front of starved lions.

I slide my panties off. Nero pets me whispering endearments, “Good girl.  Our pet is beautiful,” he comments to Ace.

“Good girls get their pussy ate. First, you need a shower.” I just took a shower but okay…

“Then we’re going to collar you, make it official that your ours.”  I know this is just wrong but still I can’t help but be a little excited. Hopefully they don’t hurt me too bad.

“Up,” Nero commands and jerks his head towards the stairs.

My body begins to hum with excitement and anticipation, knowing their going to fuck me. I’m already slick and wet between my thighs. I’m sure they notice but don’t comment on it. I’ve never had two men before at the same time.

“Go ahead. undress me.” Ace's lips spread into a breathtaking smile revealing straight white teeth. I go for his tie. My hands shake. He smirks, rubbing callused thumbs over my erect nipples as I fumble with his tie. Finally, I get the damn thing free. Ace laughs as I rip open his crisp white Italian shirt to reveal enormous pecks and an eight pack. Jesus. Ace is a fine specimen. I lick my lips. I always liked men with great bodies- cause I’m shallow like that.

He grabs my neck and kisses me- its rough, demanding that I give in to his power. “Get in,” Ace commands and smacks my ass. I turn to see Nero leaning against the wall of the shower already naked. I swallow hard as my heart begins to pound watching the water cascade down his huge muscular body.  I don’t hesitate to obey thinking I’ll get more head if I’m good.

Ace massages my shoulders relaxing me as he rubs the body wash into my skin. Nero washes my front, massaging my breast. Then his hands boldly dip lower. My cheeks flame as he opens my pussy and washes me there. They both wash me so thoroughly- to hell with my modesty.

“Hold her open,” Nero tells Ace. Ace's hand glides down over my belly down to my pussy, spreading my lips once more. Nero drops to his knees. He smirks up at me before he slurps my clit into his mouth. I throw my head back on Ace's shoulder and moan, hands gripping Nero’s hair.

“No,” he murmurs against my pussy, shaking his head, still licking my sensitive flesh in the process. “Hands on the back of Ace’s neck and keep them there or I’ll stop.” It’s harder than it seems as Nero tortures me with his mouth and with Ace's fingers tweaking my nipples, rolling them between his index and thumb. Unfamiliar heat engulfs my body. A tingle starts at the tips of my toes and gradually spreads throughout my body like a wildfire. I’m coming. My vision going dark for a second as the powerful surge that is my orgasm rips through me. Afterwards I watch as Nero drinks my honey with a look of pure bliss upon his face.

Behind me, Ace turns off the shower. “Was that good for you, pet,” he whispers at my ear.

“Yes, master.”

“You keep being a good pet and you'll earn so much more.” 

After our shower they lead me into a master bedroom with a cage fit for a human. Inside there’s plush pink carpet, a water and food bowl, and stuffed animals.

Stuffed animals? What. The. Fuck.

“Get on your knees and crawl to your cage, pet.”

Oh, hell no!

No. This is where I draw the line. Earlier, with them calling me pet and eating my pussy it was cool- may have been a little cute, but now this shit was too debasing for my taste.

Fuck. That.

I shake my head.

Nero folds his arms as an unpleasant smile spreads across his face. “I think she’s telling us no, brother.”

I back up towards the door and juke Ace as he tries to lunge for me then run back the way I came- towards the front door.  Fuck all that bullshit. They weren’t going to put me in a cage.

An arm snakes around my midsection lifting me off the ground. My legs kick out. Shit… he's fast. I didn’t even hear him run behind me. “Oooh, you are gonna to get it,” he growls in my ear which serves the purpose of getting me wet all over again. Yeah… I may be just as fucked up as they are.

He spends me around to face him. I look up at him with puppy eyes. “Fuck, don’t look at me like that.”

I lick my lips as he squeezes my bare ass, lifting me astride him. I wrap my legs around his waist. “Why not?”

“It makes me wanna punish you and give you the world at the same damn time but I’m still going to beat your little trifling ass.”

“I’m sorry, master.” I hold Nero’s face between my hands and give him the sweetest apologetic kiss I could muster. I’m surprised to find him a little dazed by it. So, I do affect him too.


“A little bit too late for that,” Ace says beyond us. I knew Ace’s walls will be more difficult to break down than Nero’s. “Bring. Her. Here.”

I cringe. Just by the tone of his voice I knew I wasn’t going to be able to sit down for a week.


Ace sits on the edge of the king size bed and pat’s his lap. “Lay across my lap, Breanna.” There goes my name again. I wince. My name on his tongue sounded cold than when he called me pet. At least when he called me pet is sounded more intimate and endearing.

I obey. He says, “You need this. You’ll feel better when I’m done.” I don’t understand his intentions at first until his hand comes crashing down hard on my bottom. The sting is instant, but he doesn’t allow me to adjust to the pain. Blow after blow lands on my ass. I don’t make a sound until something breaks inside of me.

I haven’t cried since I was taken away from my mother at four. The tears feel hot and foreign on my face. I cry for myself and for my situation. I realized that this was another way these men were taking care of me by seeing to my emotional health. I kept everything I’ve gone through over the pass hours- no years bottled up inside: My mother abandoning me at four, a cold father who never showed me love, how Vick treated me, the drugs, me being the culprit in Vick’s murder.

I cry long after the spanking is over. Ace holds me close. The fight completely leaves my body and I don’t even protest as Nero places me in my cage. Ironically, I snuggle close to the stuff animals (cause a koala and a duck seemed like great bedmates) while Nero strokes my hair until I fall asleep.

☕💁🏾‍♀️ Q: if you were Bree how would you have reacted to the situation surrounding the Novak brothers & Vick?

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