Bounties Of Beastly Bastard Departure Invited.-

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Title: Bounties Of Beastly Bastard Boys 

Chapter:5 part 1: Bombarded Departure Invited.    

Inspirations: Glee/Disney/T.V./Myself./Twins./Kaze.  

Picture/Music: Are for the reader’s enjoyment. {The picture is now the cover art}

Comments: Are encouragement of the authors’ desire. 

Nash’s P.O.V. entitled:”Entertainments just twisted sick for the amusement selfish." 

I adjust my tie in the little dank and ill lit bathroom. Staring and studying myself I look tired, older but different hardly myself. For the moment I am lost bewildered and introverted. Thinking about how far I have gone to get to this stage. But it passes and I grin fixing my dishelmed hair. I need to play the part to become the character. Before leaving I throw the message to the beat up tied person I stole it from. Examining my new nametag for this persona. 

”I’ll be back Charlie. Don’t worry too much or you’ll scare and trigger the implanted bomb. Beside you.”

I glance at him as he wiggles around with a pleading  swollen face. Walking elegantly out I get the binoculars laughing wickedly to myself. I balance the lens targeting them arriving. Well, well looks as thought they’ve gotten they’re dogs out to get the fresh meat. I move across the docks swiftly to get a better look at my so-called bad-ass bounty hunters. But I stop suddenly because I can’t help but be aware and catch that damnable logo of my brother’s ship before I see them step down… They are quite in unbelievable yet interesting pair… 

One looks utterly ditzy and her counterpart looks as though she’s seen things I would never believe otherwise. Whom to play with first..? Such a dire question as I walk forward in costume of a servant. I notice the boyish figured one already glaring suspiciously at me… She doesn’t know anything… Yet, but she stops me cold with a quicken beat… I feel both nervous and excited… She makes me feel sort of well, alive inside again. 

I quickly walk up the staircase to grab their baggage when the mannish one grips my arm tightly. Without looking down at me she coldly sulks speaking indifferently gazing ahead of me. Almost as if I don’t deserve that respect from her.  

“You better watch where you put your greedy fingers little boy.” 

That’s when the girly one grabs her by the shoulder and pulls her. Hand away from my now bruised arm. She’s strong but I could take her on. I now know that these girls aren’t normal chicks. The girly one’s face draw’s in taunt with full on concern as she sweetly remarks whispering…

“Please Allegra can we get to our room before you dislocate someone’s arm..? She begs.  

I can tell just by hearing the other girl’s voice. That it  calms and relaxes this girl, Allegra as her demeanor shifts. She solemnly and halfheartedly apologizes to me… 

“Sorry it was a reflex…um, Charlie,” She says sternly speaking only to the girl behind her. She softly comments her with a disregard to me even standing there. How rude of the little harlot. 

“Aqua, sweetheart please remember…-” She cuts off as the caption yells orders and I no longer can hear her as she walks on..    

Her eyes harden in a hatred of me, this nobody stranger. Her jaw pinning up enraged. She’s already pissed or embarrassed… I don’t know which… I could care less… She’s just a little bitch that wants her pay… She’s nothing to me like I am to her right now. But that won’t be for long. 

She passes me hitting my shoulder like a linebacker, hard. Her girlfriend partner sighs heavily. Giving me a face of regret for this encounter or Allegra‘s behavior. Then they are gone going to their special rooms prepaid just for them. I analyze them both nonchalantly. 

“What an odd little darling pair…,” 

I linger pulling out a towel to wipe my brow and neck. Ripping off the ridiculous outfit to chuck to the water. I shuffle through my pockets picking up the little device, and clicking the remote to begin… I count down and watch in stunned awe as the first part of the hotel blows to the skies in a colossal fiery and collapses into itself like folded paper tearing and dispersing in the sky. Flawlessly beautiful.. 

“It’ll burn like the stars are.. Invisible in the morning scorched and seen.. Incandescent.” I hum softly singing those lines.. Intoned.  

Entertained, I whistle loudly and joyful. The people inside tumble out screaming, crying, and running for their pathetic lives in the shocked chaos. But before I completely disappear. I spot my sweet angelic Allegra jump away protecting her Aqua. She backs up and finally she gives me respect and furiously stares at me with all that rage in the world. And I… 

Well, I just wave happily making a motion with my fingers I point my pretend pistol at her… 

“Bang, Bang…Baby..” 

I singsong whistling as I fall back into the blacken charred shrouded fog. Waiting for them to catch me…If they can.. 

Authors Lovenote: Ha-ha hello! Here’s my {1/3} 1.What did you think of the entitled and the chapter title..? 2. What did you think of Nash, Allegra, and Aqua’s encounter..? 3. And Finally What did you think overall of this chapter and its picture and musical choice..? P.s. to those reading this its ending will be split in about three parts. Once again bye & thanks for still sticking around this long, in the short story… Bye!   

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