[52] - Warship Island Arc ~ 5

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🏴️️Ch.52: Escape the Temple! Return To Warship Island!🏴️️

All eyes shifting upwards, the breath is nearly knocked out of me as I gaze at the depictions of the mostly intact mural.

The circular mural is painted along the building's dome ceiling. Bits and pieces of the artworks are missing where certain areas of the ceiling have given out, but again it remains mostly intact.

Taking one of my empty journals out from my Fathomless SeaBag, I begin to record every detail regarding the room to sketching what is depicted on the murals, even going as far as to start picking up a piece of the ceiling that has fallen and putting them back together to determine more of the artworks. And judging by the order of the imagery, the mural is definitely telling a story. One of the Gem people and the former residents of this island.

At the painting's center, a red circle with age-old blue script encompassing it. Finding it to be for mere decoration and not of any sort of importance, I move on to observing the pictures depicting certain events. At what I can only guess is the mural's top, lies a painting of a dragon emblem similar to the one we found on the building's front doors with the same Gem sigil at the center. To the right of that is an image of a domed structure with people surrounding it. Situated on the sides of the people are Gems of various classes in what looks to be priestess garb standing protectively alongside two Millennial Dragons. The rest is a bit difficult to make out since those parts are where the ceiling fell.

"Oh, man! That painting's so huge!" Exclaims Luffy, in awe. "I wonder what it's of."

"It looks kinda like a map to me." Usopp replies.

"Maybe. . ." Sanji hums. "But it's so worn out it doesn't make much sense. What is this place anyways? Isn't this supposed to be the Dragon's Nest?"

"I don't know." Luffy responds. "Apis? Do you know?"

"I don't." Apis admits after a brief pause, consulting with Grandpa Ryu, searching for any answers through her Devil Fruit ability. "Grandpa Ryu says he doesn't know what it is either."

Usopp grumbles. "Oh, man. Are all Millennial Dragons as useless as he is?"

"Take that back!" Apis screams, angrily, gearing up for a fight with the disrespectful sniper. Grandpa Ryu doesn't appear bothered by the curly-haired young man's comment.

"I'm only telling the truth."

💥I'd like to see how your memory would be if you lived for a couple hundred years.💥 Trigger remarks.

While the three continue to bicker like children, with Carmela and Ahio trying to diffuse the situation, Luffy calls out to draw everyone's attention.

"Hey, guys! Check this out! Some pieces of the ceiling fell here!" Luffy stand before a portion of the ceiling with a large, green dragon painted on it.

"Yikes." Usopp responds to the sheer size of the rubble.

"It's huge!" Apis gasps.

My attention, however, is drawn to the second large piece of ceiling with an abstract depiction of a giant woman dressed in shades of blue-green and pale yellow and a shining blue-green gemstone implanted at the center of her chest, right below her neckline. In the background, the design surrounding her looks like she's got wings.

 In the background, the design surrounding her looks like she's got wings

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