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I just want to say I do not advocate self harm, bulimia, anorexia, self-mutilation, schizophrenia, or any other mental disorder on any way.

That stuff is total shit, I know. I have severe anxiety and depression and it sucks major ass. I even self-harmed for a while.

Know this:





It's a temporary solution to a problem that will persist until you take action against it. And hurting yourself doesn't change anything. At the end of the day you still have these emotions that are trapped.

I know it's addictive. I know it's a release. But there are other ways to cope with emotions. When I feel like I want to cut, I draw something pretty on my wrist instead of doing something I'll regret.

Every time you pick up a blade, think of me. I  hope a mental image of me comes into your mind and tells you to knock it the fuck off. I know I sound insensitive, but it's the only way. Happiness isn't gonna drop by and just decide to hang around for a while. It is dependent upon your thoughts and your actions.

If you surround yourself with negativity, you won't get positive results.

To get better I had to unfollow every Instagram account that I felt was triggering. I deleted all the songs that reminded me of what I went through. I stopped talking to people who brought me down. THE ONLY WAY TO GET BETTER IS TO MAKE YOURSELF BETTER.

Besides the aspects of this story including these things, this was way off topic and I'm sorry, I just wanted to get that out there.

This book may contain some/all of the things listed at the beginning of this section. In no way does it make it ok. Just because the character does it, doesn't mean I do, nor should you.

Remember, I love every single one of you. Come find me and we can talk if you need me. I'm always here.

-Cele xx.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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