Chapter 1: Love at first crash part 1, the Xiao Long Rose craft

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An:Hello Kira wolf is back with a story in a week like a promise. However I didn't really think how long this story may go. I don't want to think about it just yet I mean if you readers have read "When music and blades combine" my first white rose fanfic I say I would end it in about 25 chapters and well...  I End it in 40 chapters. I would talk more at the end.

IMPORTANT: for new readers do not skip the author Notes there is always useful stuff or important stuff. Or slight explaination of the chapter.

For you new readers.
"....." means talking
'......' means thinking.
*Ruby pov*

"That will be a 1200 lien. Thank you for doing business with us. "

A black hair big and musclar man:" no no thank you. It is an honor to have my armor made by the Rose crafter. What a great work. You have live up to your name Miss Rose. "

I rubbed the red tip of my black hair, blushing slightly with embarrassment and pride at his compliment. No matter how many times I heard it I was still embarrass about it. I bow down slightly.

"No no its nothing. Really!"

The black hair big and musclar man:" well I shouldn't hold you back. You must have alot of orders to take care of. "

He waved as he walked out of the door in his new armor that I made for him. I smiled with pride as I waved back to him good bye. I am Ruby Rose the current owner of our Humble blacksmith shop. "The Xiao Long Rose craft" I said "our" as I am not the only one running this shop though I am the common face around the shop. I ran this shop together with my two years older half sister Yang Xiao Long. We were half sisters with different mothers but the same father Tai Xiao Long who used to run this shop before he had to retire due to an injure on his knee.

Even with different mother we loved each other very much after all we only have each other and Dad was busy working to support us with that, that was how he got the injury. Yang's mother died on her duty. Yang's mother Raven branwen was the captain of the schnee family's Royal guards. She sacrificed herself to protect her man and the Schnee family. Because of that Yang hated them alot. My mother Summer Rose was also part of the Royal guards. She went on a secret mission and well... She never came back. Due to Dad's injury we both have to work in his place at a young age. We did help him sometimes but now we were working full time. So I had been doing this for two years now.

Suddenly I saw something black came towards me fast. Instantly without looking up I sheathed my sword hidden in my cloak and cut it in half. I looked at the table and realized the black thing I cut was an apple. A brown glove hand reached out for it and when I looked up from table then to that person who took a bite from it. That person was Yang, my blonde hair and lavender eyes sister. Yang was wearing a brown leather coat Revaling yellow checkers collar shirt which was rolled up to her elbow. A orange scarf with her flame heart symbol on it tie on her neck and another red scarf on her right forearm. She wore dark oak brown long pants and boots. Her yellow gauntlet and brown gauntlet were hang on her belt. She removed her cowboy hat and placed it on the counter.

Yang:" Hey Rubbes. You should really pay more attention. You might get robbed Without you knowing. "

I sheathed back my red and very light blue sword back. My sword was a simple blade red at one half of the sword and very ice blue on the other half with a rose design handle. The colour was due to a rare material found by Yang. That material was called dust. It was a really rare material with different colour contained different elmemet. Currently we have only found four kinds of dust. It could cost up to a 10k Lien for a small piece of dust. Mine was made out of fire and ice dust while Yang's was make out of Lighting and earth. Yang's and mine were the only weapons I had created that used dusts as they took very long to make and needed a lot of dust to make it.  I took I almost a month to figure out how to control the dusts on my sword then another to teach Yang how to control hers.

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