(S2) Chapter 4

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 "Well, seems like we have about two to three hundred Fallen Angels to deal with. At least it won't be long." Y/N stated with a sigh.

"How dare you, you damn mortal!" Another Fallen Angel exclaimed in anger hearing Y/N say that fighting them wouldn't take long. "You dare think you and your pitiful group can fight us and win, how to stupid of you." The Fallen Angel gloated.

"Hey, Nii-san can I go play with them." Jack asked Y/N with an 'innocent' smile.

"Sure, you can Jack be mindful of the Exorcists that are accompanying them." Y/N said with a smile to Jack.

"That brat thinking that loli can do anything to us is the pinnacle of stupidity." A female Fallen Angel who was wearing dominatrix clothing declared with an arrogant tone, making the other Fallen Angels present, as well as herself, laugh loudly.

The Fallen Angels were too busy laughing at what they fought to be a joke to notice that a heavy had settled unnaturally quickly over the area of forest they were in and they only took notice of what was happening around them when they heard the scream of a woman being torn apart.

"Argh!" The female Fallen Angel that had declared that Y/N was telling a joke screamed in agony drawing the attention of the other Fallen Angels back to herself. When they turned their heads, they only saw her mangled body as well as Jack who was frowning.

"We do not like it when someone mocks our strength..." Jack started with a somewhat neutral voice. "But we hate it when someone mocks our family, so that's why you were punished and why your friends will be." Jack continued as her emotionless expression turned to one of anger and then to a mix of childish excitement and sadistic glee before she disappeared into the mist.

"Who the hell is that girl?" A male Fallen Angel asked terrified.

"How the hell did she get here so quickly?" Another one asked.

A third Fallen Angel was about to comment on the situation when they heard a female voice through the fog.

"Y/N, you can't just let that child fight them alone. I know she is a Heroic Spirit but she is now the less a child." Artoria said scolding her son for letting Jack go fight the Fallen Angels and their Stray Exorcists followers that had just joined them.

"Mom, I know you don't like but well Jack is a bit peculiar to deal with..." Y/N spoke trying to defend his decision of letting Jack go but as he was about to be reprimanded even further by Artoria, he was saved by his sister Mordred.

"Father listen..." Mordred started. "Y/N absolutely knows that you hate when someone force or convince children to go fight battles they shouldn't take part in but with Jack it for the best to let her release whatever negative emotions she may harbor at a given moment otherwise due to the fact that she is a collection of thousands of wraith of unborn children she might go berserk and be a danger to everyone." Mordred explained.

"A collection of wraith of children?" Artoria asked rhetorically, she knew thanks to Merlin what wraith were and the fact that said wraith were unborn children gave Artoria a good idea as to what they or technically Jack desired.

"You may be worried for Jack, King of Knight. But doing nothing will not help her nor alleviate your worry." Atalanta spoke with a serious tone.

"Atalanta is right we should help Jack." Jeanne agreed with Atalanta only to receive a hateful glare from said Archer.

"Right, let's go." Shirou said as he traced Kanshou and Bakuya in his hands before he joined in the fray attacking the, mostly male, Stray Exorcists who had started to either attacked them with guns that fired bullets of pure light or lightsaber like magical swords. He was quickly followed by Artoria who used her own Excalibur although it was concealed by Invisible Air as well as Mordred who wielded Clarent.

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